
kuān guān jié
  • hip joint;articulatio coxae
髋关节[kuān guān jié]
  1. 结果:随访6~24个月,平均愈合时间16周,所有病例均恢复行走,髋关节功能优良率达96%。

    Result : Followed up for 624 months , all case could walk and the good rate of articulatio coxae function was 96 % .

  2. 这也许是因为你并不晓得髋关节的位置,它不在腰部,而是位于腰部以下一手拃宽处。

    It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is ; it is not at the waist but a good hand span below it .

  3. 她自髋关节手术以后活得更有劲了。

    Since her hip operation she 's had a new lease of life .

  4. 三维CT对小儿髋关节发育不良中髋臼形态的分析

    3D CT Analysis of Acetabulum Morphology in Developmental Dysplasia of Hip

  5. 小儿髋关节滑囊炎的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of synovitis of the hip in children

  6. 外伤性髋关节脱位CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Traumatic Hip Joint Dislocation

  7. 目的探讨螺旋CT髋关节三维成像技术的临床应用。

    Objective : To discuss the value of 3D images in Helical CT in hip fracture .

  8. 幼儿发育性髋关节脱位髋臼指数的MRI研究

    The study of acetabular index in children with developmental dislocation of the hip using MRI

  9. 结论MRI对诊断髋关节暂时性骨质疏松有一定价值。

    Conclusion MRI is of certain value in diagnosing the transient osteoporosis of the hip joint .

  10. 178例在MR检查的同一天还行双髋关节正位和蛙式位数字X线摄影(DR)片。

    Direct radiographs ( DR ) of both hips were obtained in 178 patients in the same day with MRI .

  11. 髋关节OA测量关节间隙的临床研究

    Clinical investigation of the measure ment of hip osteoarthritis patients hip joint space

  12. 本文自主设计了Al2O3陶瓷人工半髋关节股骨头磨具的机械联接传动系统。

    Having designed a mechanical system for the grinder of Al2O3 ceramic femoral head for artificial partial hip joint .

  13. 目的:运用动态钆增强MR成像技术,评价正常股骨头骨骺及髋关节外展固定体位时股骨头骨骺的不同解剖区域的血供特征。

    Objective : To evaluate the characterization of blood perfusion of femoral head epiphysis with hips in neutral and abduction position by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .

  14. AML假体在人工髋关节股骨侧翻修中的应用

    Application of total hip revision in femur side with AML prosthesis

  15. 中度疼痛为0分,Harris髋关节评分疼痛D级。

    Moderate pain scored 0 , as grade D in Harris hip score ;

  16. 人工髋关节UHMWPE磨粒形态研究

    Study on UHMWPE Wear Debris Morphology in Artificial Hip Joints

  17. 经t检验,两组术后半年患肢髋关节功能优良率有显著差异,P0.05。

    Excellent rate of postoperative six months limb hip joint function by t test , significant differences ( P 0.05 ) .

  18. 健康教育对髋关节置换术后病人ADL的影响

    Effect of the Health Education on the ADL of Patients with Hip Replacement

  19. 各组髋关节创伤后功能评分经卡方检验,P0.05,差异无统计学意义。

    Score of post - traumatic hip functional in each group by chi-square test , P0.05 , the difference is not statistically significance .

  20. 人工膝关节置换术后DVT的发生率较人工髋关节置换术后高。

    The incidence of DVT for TKA was higher than that for TKA .

  21. 评价:利用Harris评分对患者术前和末次随访时髋关节功能进行评估。

    Clinical evaluation of the joint function of both preoperative and postoperative was performed by Harris hip score .

  22. 髋关节囊切开触膜定位法行Richards钉手术治疗股骨粗隆间骨折

    Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fracture with Richards Nailing

  23. 目的:本课题应用MRI分别对不同性别、年龄正常髋关节及髋关节疼痛者髋臼形态学变化进行影像学分析。

    Objective : For two groups of normal hip joint and hip pain subjects , this study analyzed acetabular morphological changes of different gender and age by using MR imaging .

  24. 目的探讨小儿髋关节术后用持续被动活动(CPM)机行功能锻炼的效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of function exercises with CPM machine after post-o peration of hip in children .

  25. Harris髋关节评分优10例,较好19例,良11例,差4例。

    According to Harris hip joint score , 10 cases were excellent , 19 better , 11 good . and 4 poor .

  26. 目的介绍一种可用于治疗发育性髋关节发育不良(DevelopmentalDysplasiaoftheHip,DDH)的LeCoeur骨盆三联截骨术。

    Objective To introduce the Le Coeur 's triple pelvic osteotomy for the developmental dysplasia of the hip ( DDH ) .

  27. 术后平均3年4个月随访时髋关节Harris评分由术前31.1分提高至62.9分。

    The mean Harris hip scores at the last follow-up improved from preoperative 31 . 1 points to postoperative 62 . 9 points .

  28. 髋关节置换术(HR)和膝关节置换术(KR)常用于缓解由于骨关节病导致髋或膝关节的疼痛。

    Hip replacement ( HP ) and knee replacement ( KR ) were used to ease hip or knee pain caused by bone arthritis .

  29. 目的:探讨螺旋CT应用于正常人体髋关节周围血管研究的可行性,观察重建髋关节周围血管一般形态及分布规律。

    Objective : To explore the feasibility of reconstructing the correlative arteriovenous system of adult hip by the use of multi-slice spiral CT ( MSCT ) and study the morphology and distribution of blood vessels of human hip .

  30. 结论90%左右JAS以外周关节或髋关节受累为首发症状。

    Conclusion 90 % cases with JAS has peripheral arthritis and hip involvement at onset .