
  • 网络Ken Takakura;Takakura Ken
  1. 高仓健大概是打入中国市场的第一个日本演员。

    Ken Takakura is perhaps the first Japanese character to make his way into the Chinese market .

  2. 高仓健因经常在日本电影中饰演不法之徒与坚忍英雄而成为影星,他于11月10日于东京逝世,享年83岁。

    Ken Takakura , who became a star playing outlaws and stoic heroes in scores of Japanese films , died on Nov. 10 in Tokyo . He was 83 .

  3. 高仓健原名小田刚一(GoichiOda),1931年2月16日出生于日本福冈,他本来并没有打算成为演员,但去一家大型电影公司应聘管理职务时,被公司招募为演员。

    Born Goichi Oda in Fukuoka , Japan , on Feb. 16 , 1931 , he did not set out to be an actor but was recruited by a major film production company while applying for a managerial position .

  4. 高仓健因其安静深沉的银幕形象,经常被拿来与克林特·伊斯特伍德(ClintEastwood)相比较。1956年他开始出演电影,20世纪60年代以《网走番外地》(1965)等犯罪影片而获得声誉。

    Mr. Takakura , who because of his quiet , brooding screen presence was often compared to Clint Eastwood , made his screen debut in 1956 and rose to fame in the 1960s in crime films like Abashiri Prison ( 1965 ) .

  5. 尽管高仓健经常饰演不法之徒,但他说自己对现代黑帮片不感兴趣。

    Though he often played outlaws , Mr. Takakura said contemporary gangster movies did not interest him .

  6. 去年,高仓健在日本皇宫获得了日本艺术界的最高荣誉文化勋章,他指出,自己赖以成名的角色与这个高贵的地方相去甚远。

    Last year , when Mr. Takakura received one of Japan 's highest honors in the arts , the Order of Culture , at the Imperial Palace , he noted that he was best known for playing characters far removed from thse exalted precincts .