
  1. 怒江之争&自由奔涌还是高峡平湖

    The inner Conflict of NuJiang River & Free Flush or High gorge with Flat Lake

  2. 重庆市巫山县地处长江三峡腹心、高峡平湖地带,在三峡库区具有承东启西的地理位置优势,是西部开发和长江生态建设的重点县。

    Wushan county lies in the most east of Chongqing Municipality , in the middle of three-gorge reservoir area , and the regional zone of high gorge calm lake , which possess the advantage of locating at the point of the east and the west of the three-gorge reservoir area .

  3. 见证高峡出平湖&扫描三峡库区135米水位线以下地质灾害防治

    A Scanning of Prevention and Control Work of Geological Disasters to Ensure the Safety of Water Filling to 135m level in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  4. 本文论述了长江三峡工程建成后库区旅游景观的淹没和高峡出平湖的新景观。

    This paper discusses the new scenic spots around the lake the reservoir of Three , Gorges , and the loss of tourism landscape because of inundation after the accomplishment of Three Gorge project .

  5. 更立西江石壁/截断巫山云雨/高峡出平湖/神女应无恙/当惊世界殊。

    Walls of stone will stand upstream to the west / To hold back Wushan 's clouds and rain / Till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges / The mountain goddess if she is still there / Will marvel at a world so changed .