
  1. 这些公司作为教科书出版商长期以来收益颇丰,现在吹嘘他们新的在线服务代表着教育行业的未来,同时将这些在线服务通过与他们合作的高校推广至学生。

    These companies , which long reaped big profits as textbook publishers , have boasted that their new online offerings , when pushed to students through universities they partner with , represent the future of the industry .

  2. 关于高校推广普通话工作的思考

    Reflections on Popularizing the Common Spoken Chinese on A University-Wide Scale

  3. 关于福建高校推广软式排球的探讨

    An Examination on Popularizing the Soft Volleyball in Fujian Colleges and Universities

  4. 高校推广篮球俱乐部的探讨

    Basketball Club can be Popularized in Colleges and Universities

  5. 而且该专业的办学理念有在其他民族地区高校推广的必要性及可行性。

    Moreover it is necessary and feasible to expand this sense to universities in other ethnic area .

  6. 为了体现现代教育理念,双语教学于是在高校推广起来。

    In order to reflect modern education philosophy , the higher education has been expanding bilingual teaching modal .

  7. 借鉴国外搏击术在高校推广的先进经验,积极发展和普及散打项目。

    To develop and popularize Sanda project actively , we should reference to foreign fighting technique and promote advanced experiences in colleges and universities .

  8. 结论:1.在唐山地区普通高校推广普及软式排球运动是使高校学生养成终身体育习惯的重要方法。

    In the Tangshan area , to promote universal college Soft Volleyball is to develop lifelong physical habits of University students in an important way .

  9. 在数字示波器的实验室教学中,该教学软件可以很大程度上减轻教师的教学负担,提高教学效率,目前正在向部分高校推广。

    The software of digital storage oscilloscope network education can substantially reduce the burden on teachers to improve teaching effectiveness . This software is currently promoting in some colleges .

  10. 再加之现阶段教师培训和学习较少,所以培养具有高水平专业技术的任课教师是在上海市高校推广野外生存课程需要解决的关键问题之一。

    Teacher training and learning present galvanism is less , so the cultivation of high-level professional and technical teachers in Shanghai university promotion is survival course needs to solve one of the key problems . 5 .

  11. 为了板鞋竞速运动健康、可持续发展和向高校推广,丰富高校校园文化体系,加强高校间的交流与合作。

    In order to exercise health , sustainable development , in order to bring the Board-shoe Racing sports extended to colleges and universities , a rich campus culture system , strengthen exchanges and cooperation among colleges and universities .

  12. 浅谈TOT模式在高校数据库推广培训中的应用

    TOT Model of the Database in the Universities to Promote the Application of Training

  13. 在高校中推广体育舞蹈的调查与研究

    Research and Study on Developing Sports Dancing In Colleges and Universities

  14. 论气排球创新特色及在高校的推广

    On the New Features of Air Volleyball and Its Promotion in Colleges

  15. 民族地区高校普通话推广的困难与对策研究

    Problems and Measures in Teaching and Promotion of Putonghua in Colleges in Ethnic Regions

  16. 软式排球在唐山地区普通高校进行推广普及的基本思想和物质条件已经具备。

    Soft Volleyball Colleges in the Tangshan area to promote universal basic ideas and material conditions have been met .

  17. 网球运动以其固有的魅力和价值在我国高校中推广和普及,受到当代大学生们的喜爱。

    Tennis , with its inherent charm and value in our colleges and universities are promoted and popularize by modern popular among college students .

  18. 在普通高校内推广和普及武术运动,容易得到社会的承认和效仿。

    It is easy to get recognized and followed by the society when we promote and popularize the martial arts within colleges and universities .

  19. 实践证明这种模式有利于全面培养学生的创新能力和素质的提高,值得在高校中推广。

    It is proved that this pattern helps to cultivate the students ' ability and improve their quality , and it is worth being spread out in colleges .

  20. 确立了政府型主导模式在新型农业科技推广体制中的主体地位,并对农业高校科技推广体制创新进行了试构建,这些创新性设计主要包括新的组织体系、运行机制、推广模式。

    To establish the government leading mode in the new agricultural technology extension system in the dominant position , and the scientific promotion system innovation of construction . 4 .

  21. 如今,网球运动作为美丽、健康的和谐大使,逐渐被现代的大学生接受和喜爱,并正在高校中推广和普及。

    Today , tennis as beautiful , healthy and harmonious ambassadors has been gradually accepted and loved by modern college students , and is accepted in the promotion and popularization .

  22. 虽然喜欢合作并不意味着会合作,但是这种积极的态度为团队学习在高校的推广以及合作行为的培养奠定了良好基础。

    Although being fond of cooperation does not mean being able to cooperate with each other , positive attitudes of cooperation lay a sound foundation for training of cooperative behaviors , 2 .

  23. 通过江西信息学院的试运行结果,系统达到了预期目标,我们正准备该系统在其它高校单位推广使用。

    Jiangxi Institute of Information by the results of the test run , the system achieved the desired goals , we are preparing the system in other university units to promote the use .

  24. 本研究认为采用课内外相结合的方法来实施《健康标准》的组织测试工作是比较经济、有效的,也是值得普通高校加以推广与借鉴的。

    This study suggests that adopt the method of combining both inside and outside the classroom to implementation of the health standard organization is the comparison test work , economic and effective is also worth ?

  25. 文章简要分析了一般高校在推广文化素质教育过程中所暴露的普遍性问题,并籍此思考进一步做好文化素质教育应采取的对策。

    This paper briefly analyzes the general problems that currently exist in the process of promoting culture and quality education in college , which serves as a basis for reflecting on what measures are suitable for improving the situation .

  26. 学分制管理是目前国家在高校大力推广的一种教学管理模式,其根本目的在于彰显以学生为主体、以教师为主导,突出个性发展的育人理念,实现真正意义上的因材施教。

    The credit system management is popularized in colleges and its aim at forming the education concept of students as main subject , teacher as a guide , focusing on individual development , suiting instruction to the students ' level .

  27. 由于野外生存生活课程高风险性,易发生意外事故,同时缺少学校领导和有关职能部门的支持,以及课程资金花费较大等因素,制约了该课程在上海市高校的推广。

    Outdoor survival course due to high risk , easy accidents , and lack of school leaders and relevant functional departments support , and course factors such as spending money larger and restricted the course in Shanghai university of promotion .

  28. 武术是一项具有丰富内涵的中华民族传统运动项目,它寓实用技击、体育健身、愉悦心灵、陶冶情操、磨练意志等多种功能于一身,很适合在高校中推广。

    Martial Art , a traditional Chinese sports item , has rich connotation that contain lots of functions , such as practical martial , physical fitness , spiritual pleasure , and character cultivation . It is very suitable to promote in universities .

  29. 随着学分制在全国各高校的推广,学分制管理系统也在各高校得到了推广和普及,由此学生信息的管理与维护也因此而变得简单、容易。

    With the wide use of the credit system in the universities all over the country , the administrant system of the credit system is also extended and popularized . Therefore , the management and maintenance of the students ' data becomes simple and easy .

  30. 四人制篮球教学比赛在普通高校中的推广意义

    About " Four Persons " Basketball Competition in Common University Education