
  • 网络Sample Test;sample question
  1. 在实验之前,研究者采用2004年样题对他们进行培训,使其熟悉题型。

    Before the test , the researcher trained them with a sample test in 2004 to make them familiar with the format .

  2. 来看看你会怎么回答样题吧,12题至少要答对9道才算及格哟:

    See how you would fare with our sample test below - you 'll need to score nine out of 12 to hit the standard pass rate :

  3. 从全国四、六级考试委员会提供的样题来看,学生们还要提高单词拼写能力,比如四级词汇中出现的“appropriately”一词以及六级中出现的“statistically”一词.

    Judging from the sample tests provided by the National College English Testing Committee , students will also need to work on their spelling , as words like " appropriately " appear in CET-4 and " statistically " in CET-6 .

  4. 第四届斯坦福数学大联盟杯赛年度竞赛(样题):

    Fourth Annual Stanford Math League Competition ( Sample Questions ) :

  5. 期中考试样题与解答。

    Sample midterm exams and answers are provided here .

  6. 以下是本课程中运动皮层部分的测试样题。

    These are example exam questions from the motor cortex section of the course .

  7. 《星期日邮报》刊登了一些按照国家课程设置为7岁儿童准备的数学样题。

    The mail on Sunday gave examples of some national curriculum maths questions set for seven-year-olds .

  8. 牛津大学已经发表了今年的面试样题,这是该院校消除其录取过程神秘化的持续努力的一部分。

    The institution has released its annual sample of questions as part of a continuing bid to demystify its admissions process .

  9. 一些研究过美国大学理事会样题的业内专家表示,这些考题更加贴近学习内容,取巧的可能较小。

    Some testing experts who 've studied the College Board 's sample questions describe them as more relevant and less gimmicky .

  10. 研究发现在这50份样题中,55.66%的错误与衔接与连贯的知识有关并且错误的类型很多。

    55.66 % of the errors are found to be related to cohesion and coherence in the 50 sample papers and the errors are manifested in many forms .

  11. 下文介绍了一些性格测试的样题、心理学家与试题设计者对各测试题实际要考察的是什么、受试者的回答会如何被阐释。

    Here is a sampling of personality-test questions , what psychologists and test designers say about what each question is really looking for , and how the range of possible responses could be interpreted .

  12. 本课程包含大量阅读书单、解答的习作及前三年的考古样题。6样本大小:样本中所包含的样本单位数,称为样本大小。

    This course includes an extensive list of readings , problem sets with solutions , and sample exams from three previous years . 6 Magnitude of swatch : The amount of products every swatch .

  13. 通过对样题的仔细研究,英格索罗发现了和老版本同样的“试题陷阱”——这些试题被故意设计来迷惑和误导考生,从而增加考试的难度。

    While poring over sample questions , Mr. Ingersoll spotted the same " trap doors " - questions designed to distract or confuse and to enhance the test 's difficulty - that he finds in the current version .

  14. 本文将大学英语考试样卷(1994年版)与雅思考试样题(1997年版)中的接收性技能测试进行对比,借鉴雅思考试的经验,对大学英语考试接收性技能测试提出改进意见。

    Comparative study of the receptive skill test between CET-4 sample test ( 1994 ) and IELTS specimen paper ( 1997 ) is made to draw on the experience of IELTS to reform the receptive skill test in CET .