
yànɡ pǐn shì
  • sample room
  1. 本文叙述了简易低温样品室的设计原理、结构性能和它在电阻(R)&温度(T)测试仪中的应用。

    This paper relates the designing principle , structures , properties and applications of the simple low temperature sample room in the resistance - temperature apparatus .

  2. 简易低温样品室的研制及应用

    Development and application of the simple low temperature sample room

  3. X射线衍射仪变温样品室的改进与应用

    Improvement and application of temperature camera on X-ray diffractometer

  4. 故障部位包括X射线装置、样品室和光谱室的真空、探测器、晶体和测角仪。

    The malfunction places include X ray generation device , vacuum of sample and spectrum chamber , detector , crystal and goniometer .

  5. 本文介绍了在原X射线衍射仪变温样品室的基础上进行改进,实现在多种条件下进行相变和化学反应的分析,以及改进后的应用。

    Much improvement has been made in the temperature camera on X-ray diffractometer to analyse phase change and chemical reaction in many conditions . The application was described .

  6. 从测金仪到大型X荧光能谱仪,所有不同档次X荧光能谱仪的工作原理是相同的,主要包括X荧光激发源、X荧光探测器、样品室、信号处理与数据计算4个系统。

    All the different types of EDXRF , from the simplest gold analyzer to the large scale EDXRF , run on the same principles and are consisted of X ray excited source , detector , sample chamber and signal and data processing systems .

  7. 在扫描电子显微镜样品室中拉伸PET和PAN纤维,动态观察了纤维的形变和断裂行为,用照片记录了裂缝发生、发展和纤维最终断裂的过程。

    The feature of the deformation and fracture of PET and PAN fibers being in tension in specimen chamber of a scanning electron microscope were observed and the micrographys revealing the process of crack initiation and development and failure of the fibers Were photographed .

  8. 样品室制衣时所用的缝份直边为2.5cm(1英寸),弯曲部分为1.3cm(1/2英寸)。

    Sample room seam allowances are 2.5cm ( 1 inch ) for straight edges and 1.3cm ( 1 / 2 inch ) for curves .

  9. BPCL型微弱发光测量仪的样品室可以直接测量各种生物(植物、动物)体系的发光。

    Various biological system ( plant and animal ) can be detected in sample chamber of BPCL ultra weak luminescence analyzer .

  10. 在频率范围20MHz到200MHz,用于测量有耗物质的电导率和介电常数的平行圆板样品室可依据准静态近似理论来分析。

    The parallel-disk sample holder used to measure the conductivity and the dielectric permittivity of dissipative materials in the frequency range of 20 MHz to 200 MHz is studied in terms of quasistatic approximation .

  11. 样品室就在那边,克莱尔宝贝。

    The sample room is right down there , claire-bear .

  12. 适用于低水平液体闪烁测量的通用型圆柱形瓶及其样品室

    Sample chambers and vials in low-level liquid scintillation measurement

  13. 整理样品室;

    Manage the sample room ;

  14. 六面顶压机高温高压弹性波速测量装置样品室温度梯度的校正

    Correction of Temperature Gradient in Sample Cell of Pulse Transmission Experimental Setup on Multi-Anvil High Pressure Apparatus

  15. 客户可于2010年4月份来访参观样品室及验厂路线。

    Customer is welcome to visit our new showroom and factory audit route on April , 2010 .

  16. 为了按照样品室的步骤缝制衣服,有必要先了解面料。

    In order to assemble a garment following sample room procedure , an understanding of fabric is necessary .

  17. 本文设计并制作了高压力下热激电流的测量装置,包括样品室、液压系统等部分。

    In this paper , a measuring unit of TSC under high pressure which containing sample cell and hydraumatic systems was designed .

  18. 建立水果的内部品质自动检测系统由光源、迈克尔逊干涉仪、近红外漫反射光纤探头组件、铟镓砷检测器、数据采集卡和水果样品室等部件组成。

    The system consisted of light source , interferometer , fiber optical sensor , InGaAs detector , data collection card and fruit holder .

  19. 该系统主要由炉膛、样品室、测温模块、控温模块、膨胀位移测量模块和嵌入式系统组成。

    The system mainly consists of furnace , sample room , temperature measurement module , temperature control module , expansion displacement measurement module and embedded system . 2 .

  20. 样品室使用最频繁的卷边针法是包缝缘边针迹。下摆折边或滚边可用这种针迹来处理。

    The hemming method most frequently utilized in the sample room is the plain hem stitch . The folded edge of the hem or binding may be used with this finish .

  21. 本文通过改进样品室、增加液氮冷却系统,对传统热激电流测量装置进行了完善,使其能对样品进行更详细地分析。

    In the paper , a traditional setting of measuring TSC is improved by ameliorating sample room and assembling liquid nitrogen cooled system , which can analyze exactly sample in detail .

  22. 当减小样品室体积以后,光谱强度随采谱次数增大迅速趋于平稳,也缩短了样品沉积物的吹扫时间,但是光谱信号的波动性明显变大了。

    After the volume of the sample chamber was reduced , the spectral intensity quickly tended to be stable with the increase of the acquisition spectrum number . The washing time of samples sediment was shortened .

  23. 公司设有产品研发室和样品室,专注设计、生产高端进口真皮带、休闲皮带、商务皮带、绅士皮带、正装礼品带等。

    Company has R & D room and sample room , focus on design , production and import high-end real leather belt , leisure belt , leather belt business , gentlemen belts , dresses and other gifts with .

  24. 在样品室价钱可以多花点时间在熨烫上,但在生产中,按照衣服的质量与成本核算所允许的时间也许是有限的。

    In the sample room one can afford to spend a little more time on pressing operations , whereas in production , the time allowed for this may be limited according to the quality and cost of the garment .

  25. 李:今天我们老板和同事将和您一起开个会,您可以参观我们的样品室,明后两天我会带您去看工厂。

    Lee : We are going to our company toda ~ you can have a meeting with our boss and colleagues , see the show room , then we ' 11 show you around the factories tomorrow and the day after tomorrow .

  26. 爆炸丝线路、样品室几何形状、触发开关、金属丝参数及充电电压是影响金属丝在岩石介质中的爆炸能量和玻璃体生成量的重要因素。

    We think that the circuit of exploding wires , geometry of sample chamber , trigger switcher , wire parameters and charging voltage are important factors which may affect the explosion energy of exploding wires in rock and the amount of productive glass .

  27. 此外,为了验证α粒子受射程限制时的几何因子,用2000mm~2的探测器,在不对样品室抽真空的条件下做了验证实验。

    When sample chamber is not vacuum , the experimental verification of geometry factors affected by alpha range is done with 2000 mm2 detector , and the theoretical values meet the experimental values very well after the revision of discriminating threshold and the thickness of detector windows .

  28. 通过对低压样品室中高纯度样品的探测分析获取标准原子谱线,与未知样品的原子谱线比较以消除系统识别误差,从而准确识别出未知样品中的组成元素。

    The standard atomic spectra could be obtained by carrying out LIBS analysis of pure samples in the sample chamber , and the elemental recognition of unknown samples could be realized by comparing their atomic spectra with the standard spectra , in which the system recognition error was avoided .

  29. 研发的超快电子衍射系统由超快电子枪、样品室、超快读出系统、电源系统,以及真空系统等组成,该超快电子衍射系统具有较高的时间分辩能力和较强的探测能力。

    The designed electron diffraction system consists of an ultra-fast electron gun , a sample chamber , a readout system , a power supply system , and a vacuum system , and it bears such unique characteristics as high energy , high temporal resolution , and high detection capacity .

  30. 我们对贵方样品展览室里陈列的男式衬衫很感爱好。

    We are interested in your mens shirts displayed in your showroom .