
  • 网络online scoring
  1. 在深入讨论RBAC理论和网络环境下安全通信机制的基础上,提出了一种网上阅卷的协同工作模型&CBWG(CooperationBasedWebGrading)模型。

    On the basis of RBAC theory and safe communication theory , a cooperation-based web grading ( CBWG ) model is presented .

  2. 对网上阅卷系统的功能、结构进行了研究,并以此为依据,分析对比了现有的软件开发模式和技术,并最终选择了Web服务作为系统的开发技术;

    Analyses the software develop techniques , selects the one which is suitable for developing OSS based on the study of the system 's structure and functionality .

  3. 基于PKI的远程网上阅卷系统安全设计

    Security Design of a PKI-Based Marking System on the Internet

  4. 基于IPSec协议的VPN在网上阅卷系统中的应用

    The Application of VPN Based on IPSec Protocol in the Network Marking System

  5. 其中最具有代表性的就是基于OMG技术(光标阅读机)的网上阅卷系统。

    The most representative system is based on OMG technologies .

  6. JAAS在网上阅卷系统中的应用研究

    Research on Application of JAAS in Online Marking System

  7. 基于OpenCV的网上阅卷技术的研究

    Research of Technology in Online Marking Based on OpenCV

  8. 本文首先对网上阅卷系统进行简单介绍,指出J2EE体系架构可以完全胜任需求。

    First of all , there is a simple introduction of Marking Examination Paper System on the Net , and it is pointed out that J2EE is totally competent at the demand .

  9. 之后解释了什么是应用程序框架以及应用程序框架设计的相关理论,同时介绍了网上阅卷系统开发中采用的Webwork框架和Spring应用程序框架。

    Later what is the application framework and relevant design theories of the application framework are explained . Then Webwork and Spring framework are adopted in the development .

  10. 针对系统的高稳定性和高可靠性要求,提出了具有容错能力和负载均衡机制的基于MIDAS技术的应用服务器的设计方案:实现了网上阅卷系统的业务逻辑;

    With the demand of stability and reliability , the thesis brings forward an application server design scheme based on MIDAS technology , with the capability of error-tolerance and load-balance .

  11. 并得出结论:PKI技术在远程网上阅卷系统中的应用使网上阅卷系统的安全性大大提高,为远程网络阅卷的发展提供了安全保障,使其具有可持续发展性。

    We can draw the conclusion that the application of PKI technology in grading test paper system enhanced the security greatly and provide the safeguard for internet & based scoring system and enabled it to obtain the sustainable expansibility .

  12. CBWG模型借助RBAC模型中用户、角色和共享对象之间的工作模式,实现了网上阅卷系统共享数据完整性、机密性的保护。

    With the help of user , role and shared object from RBAC model , protection for integrality and secrecy of shared data in web grading system is implemented .

  13. 一种基于网上阅卷平台的构建方法

    A Method Based on Network Platform Construction for Scoring Papers Online

  14. 基于网上阅卷系统的界面模板的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Interface Templates Based on Online Marking System

  15. 网上阅卷中的协同工作及其安全机制的研究

    Research on Cooperative Work and Security Mechanism of Web Grading

  16. 网上阅卷计算机网络系统构建的实例分析

    A Case Study on Network System Construction for Scoring Papers on Line

  17. 网上阅卷系统仲裁子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Online Marking System of Arbitration Subsystem

  18. 网上阅卷系统中图像处理的作用及方法

    Function and Method of Image Processing in Online Marking System

  19. 基于公开密钥基础设施的远程网上阅卷系统安全设计

    Secure Design of Scoring System on the Web Based on Public Key Infrastructure

  20. 基于机器视觉的分布式网上阅卷系统

    Distributed Online Marking System Based on Machine Vision

  21. 这同时构成了网上阅卷相对于传统会议式阅卷的主要优点。

    These accordingly constitute the major advantages of online marking over traditional conference marking .

  22. 数字化网上阅卷综合管理系统评阅子系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Marking Subsystem of the Digitalized Online Marking Integrated Management System

  23. 考试网上阅卷研究报告初中《自然科学》教学现状的调研

    The report on Internet test-paper inspection Investigation and Study on Natural Sciences Teaching of Middle Schools

  24. 考试网上阅卷研究报告

    The report on Internet test-paper inspection

  25. 基于网上阅卷系统的形式化描述及数字图像处理技术研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Formal Description and Digital Image Processing Technology Based on the Online Score System

  26. 网上阅卷系统是一种为提高阅卷自动化、智能化、共享化而提出的应用系统。

    Web grading is a kind of application system to improve automation , intelligence and sharing level of grading .

  27. 网上阅卷通过将考生的试题数字化,存储在相应的计算机系统中,通过对试卷数字化信息进行分割、切分处理,分离出单一考题。

    Marking Online System store examination papers in the computer through digitizing them , cut apart them and isolate single one .

  28. 结果表明:阅卷员认可并能接受网上阅卷方式,这种新的方式提高了阅卷的信度、质量和效率。

    Compared to the traditional conference marking , the new marking method enhances marking reliability , quality and efficiency . However , it has some disadvantages .

  29. 本论文致力于低成本、搭建迅速、适合重复使用的网上阅卷系统设计与实现。

    This thesis is committed to design and realize an inexpensive online marking system which can be constructed rapidly and will be appropriate for schools to reuse .

  30. 网上阅卷就是在这种背景下应运而生的一种以控制主观题评卷误差,实现公平、公正原则为目的的全新的阅卷模式。

    Scoring on network , a completely new kind , comes forth to avoid the errors in the correction of the subjective questions and therefore realize the justness and fairness .