
  • 网络HIGH INTELLIGENT;high intelligence;Zhi-Hui Cao
  1. 其次,基于科学创造活动与教学活动都是高情感与高智慧的化合,科学创造为教学提供认知借鉴与情感激励。

    The second aspect is the cognition reference and emotion stimulation which the creation of science provides for teaching . The creation of science is high emotional and high intelligent , and teaching is such also .

  2. 事实上,行为分级是自然生命具有很高智慧的一个重要因素。

    In fact , behavior hierarchy is a very important factor that creatures have high intelligence .

  3. 是充分展现高科技、高智慧和现代文明的一次盛会。

    This event will be sufficient to show high-tech , high wisdom and modern civilization .

  4. 高智慧数值不仅仅会提升神的保护程序,而且会抵抗神的加害。

    A high wisdom score not only increases divine protection but also resistance to divine diseases .

  5. 大学计算机信息技术教育在于培养和造就具有高智慧信息素养的人。

    Information technology education at college aims to cultivate talents with high intelligence and information accomplishments .

  6. 今天,在董事会中高智慧的外来决策人与家族成员拥有同等的地位。

    Today qualified executives from outside work on an equal footing with family members at board level .

  7. 摘要以多品种小批量为主的高智慧、高柔性自动化生产加工系统是未来的主导生产方式。

    High intellectual , high flexible manufacturing system based on multi-type low-volume production is the main mode in future .

  8. 目前的体制希望将每个年轻个体套入模具,剥夺所有技艺和更高智慧。

    The current system wishes to mould all youth into servingdrones and deprive all of skills and higher intelligence .

  9. 最近新闻在报导你老爸被转移到舒坦的高智慧罪犯监狱

    See , it 's this news about your father being moved to a cushy white collar prison this week .

  10. 我日夜训练,运用我的高智慧提高我所有的游戏方法和策略。

    I 've trained long and hard , using my superior IQ to improve all of my gaming methods and strategies .

  11. 人类在自己快速繁殖的同时,也在用他们的“高智慧”“高科技”生产出各种“高级垃圾”。

    Meanwhile with the rapid increase of mankind they also produce some exclusive rubbish through their excellent intelligence and high technology .

  12. 从来没有发现过有生命是从无生命发展来的,他们认为生命是被高智慧生物创造出来的这一说法更加合理。

    Since life has never been observed arising spontaneously from non-life , they argue that it is more reasonable to assert life was designed by an intelligent being .

  13. 开始你的日常生活,记住你的【内在更高智慧】和【天使】支持团一直都在为你服务着,来帮你实现你的最高、最适宜的潜能。

    Go about your day remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest most appropriate potential .

  14. 与企业日常经营管理相比,企业危机管理需要更高智慧、经验和技巧。

    Compared with day-to-day operation and management enterprise risk management need higher wisdom , experience and skills . The relation between the effects of dealing crisis and the ability to use knowledge are positive .

  15. 但劳务作为公司股东的出资方式,既能弥补劳务合同的不足,又能提供了一种新的创业谋生模式,更呼应了现代经济社会对高智慧人才的尊重与渴求。

    However , labor service as a kind of subscription for the shareholders of the company can make up for the deficiency of labor service contract on one hand and offers another form of new business establishment .

  16. 前额高表示智慧高吗?

    Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power ?

  17. 那个更聪明的机器智慧用它更高的智慧来进一步提高自己。

    This smarter version uses its greater intelligence to improve itself even further .

  18. 我申请你们的国际发展(?)专业,因为我要在学术界爬上更高的智慧之峰。

    I am applying for acceptance into your master program in International Development Studies , so that I can scale grander intellectual heights in the academic world .

  19. 但我想必须考虑到很多问题,需要有很高的智慧,需要有长期而非短期的目标,这点非常重要。

    But I think there would be a lot of concerns about that and we should have a very wise , long term goal , not short term , that would be very important .

  20. 年老的当先说话。寿高的当以智慧教训人。

    Age should speak ; advanced years should teach wisdom .

  21. 我说,年老的当先说话。寿高的当以智慧教训人。

    I said , Days should speak , and multitude of years should teach wisdom .

  22. 并不是年高者就有智慧,老人就通晓正义。

    They that are aged are not the wise men , neither do the ancients understand judgment .

  23. 他以深刻的情感内蕴、博大的情感气度、清旷的情感格调以及高卓的情感智慧,为词体更好地发挥抒情功能指出了向上一路。

    He also points out an " upward way " for this genre to give better play to its lyrical function with his profound emotional connotation , broad emotional tolerance , unconventional emotional style and outstanding emotional intelligence .