
ɡāo fú diāo
  • High relief;haut-relief;high/ground relief
  1. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  2. 浅浮雕和高浮雕是浮雕的两大种类。

    Shallow relief and high relief is two kinds of relief .

  3. 孩子们的形象以高浮雕出。

    The images of the children are carved in high relief .

  4. 高浮雕与浅浮雕是相对的两种类型。

    High relief and shallow relief is relative to the two types .

  5. 介于浅浮雕和高浮雕之间的一种浮雕。

    A sculptural relief between low relief and high relief .

  6. 所有人的人体像皆系高浮雕。

    All those figures are in high relief .

  7. 尤其是窟中的高浮雕飞天,凌空悬塑,若从天而降,在全国独一无二,素有东方飞天之精华的美誉。

    Especially the flying high-relief in the grottoes is unique in china , with air suspension model , liking coming down from heaven .

  8. 它大体可以分为神龛式、高浮雕、浅浮雕、线刻、镂空式等几种形式。

    It can be divided into shrines type , high relief , shallow relief , line carved , such as type hollow out several forms .

  9. 高浮雕的压缩程度小,形体的空间起伏比较大因此而具有强烈的光影效果,视觉效果良好;

    High relief compression degree , the form of the small space more ups and downs so has strong lighting effects , visual effect is good ;

  10. 和高浮雕相对的,它的起位低、形体的空间感被压缩的比较大,因此平面感也就更加的强烈,也更加地偏向于绘画这种表现手法;

    And the relatively high relief , it 's on a low , the dimensional feeling of form compressed is bigger , so flat also more intense and more focus on the painting expression ;

  11. 新耀荣多主轴高精度浮雕雕刻机是一种高效率的专业雕刻设备。适用大型家具企业使用。

    Newpowers Multi-spindle CNC router is a device which has a good value for money and suitable for big fumiture companies .