
  • 网络Isao Takahata;TAKAHATA ISAO;Isas Takahata
  1. 高畑勋是日本吉卜力动画工作室的创办者之一,日本著名的动画导演。

    Isao Takahata is one of the founders of Studio Ghibli , a very famous Japanese director .

  2. 砂田麻美在这部纪录片中深入探索了宫崎骏的人生,以及他与同事兼导师高畑勋和制作人铃木敏夫联合创建的吉卜力工作室。

    For her documentary , Ms. Sunada embedded herself with Mr. Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli , the animation studio he founded with his colleague and mentor Isao Takahata and the producer Toshio Suzuki .

  3. 目前国内对高畑勋导演的研究还没有系统展开。

    Until now , the study about this director has not been made systematically in china .

  4. 宫崎骏与高畑勋先后换了好几家工作室并在60和70年代参与制作了好几部极为成功的电视卡通片。

    Miyazaki and Takahata changed studios several times and worked on a number of successful TV series in the 60s and 70s .

  5. 宫崎骏与高畑勋先后换了好几家工作室并在60和70年代参与制作了好几部极为成功的电视卡通片。然而更让他们感兴趣的挑战则是制作正片长度的动画电影。

    Miyazaki and Takahata changed studios several times and worked on a number of successful TV series in the 60s and 70s . Both men were , however , more interested in the challenge of producing feature-length animated movies .

  6. 1984年,宫崎骏发行了一部根据他自己的漫画集改编而成的电影—《风之谷》。这部影片获得了空前的成功,使宫崎骏与高畑勋得以自行筹组公司—吉卜力工作室。

    In 1984 , Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series , " Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind . " It was a huge success , enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company , Studio Ghibli .