
  1. 本文结合应用实践,分析与研究以面向对象技术(OOP)开发高速公路客运管理仿真系统的方法。

    With practice , this article studies and analyzes how to apply OOP to develop a new way of " Emulating System of Expressway Management " .

  2. 基于面向对象技术开发高速公路客运管理仿真系统

    Development of Emulating System of Expressway Passenger Management by OOP

  3. 浅议高速公路客运高速公路客运发展的关键问题研究

    The Research on Key Problems About Development of the Expressway Passenger Transportation

  4. 长吉客运专线线路方案研究高速公路客运探讨

    Study of route schemes for Changchun-Jilin passenger dedicated line

  5. 高速公路客运管理信息微机网络系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Microprocessor Network System in Expressway Passenger Traffic Management

  6. 江苏省高速公路客运发展趋势研究

    Research on the Development Trend of Freeway Passengers ' Transportation in Jiangsu Province

  7. 高速公路客运运力配置航空货运运力的优化分配方法

    Analysis of Optimizing Deployment of Air Cargo Capacity

  8. 高速公路客运发展策略研究

    Highway passenger transport development tactful research

  9. 合作工作室高速公路客运运力配置

    Passenger Transport Capacity Deployment for Expressways

  10. 高速公路客运量预测

    Forecast of Expressway Passenger Transport Volume

  11. 接着对高速公路客运企业所可能存在的无形资产进行了分类、界定与价值分析;

    Then , it classifies , defines and analyses with value to the intangible assets expressway coach transportation enterprises might exist ;

  12. 而针对这方面问题的研究对高速公路客运企业来说还几乎是一片空白。

    However , to expressway coach transportation enterprises , there has almost been none study on problems in such an area .

  13. 分析了高速公路客运对车速与通行能力的影响,对站点的突发事件应急管理给出建议。

    Analysis freeway passenger transport on the impact of the speed and traffic capacity , give the proposed emergency management of passenger station .

  14. 道路客运,尤其是高速公路客运产品的特点,决定了其市场营销过程中产品策略的特殊性。

    Road passenger transport , especially in highway passenger transport characteristics of the product , determine its course of product marketing strategy for particularity .

  15. 正是由于高速公路客运企业的崛起,加剧了客运市场中不同运输方式之间的竞争。

    Just because of the abruptly rise of highway enterprises of passenger traffic , it accelerated the competition between different transportation way in the passenger traffic market .

  16. 因此,从我国现实经济环境的实际出发,探讨高速公路客运企业无形资产的理论与实践问题很有必要。

    Therefore , it is necessary to probe into the theory and practice of intangible enterprise assets , proceeding from the reality of the actual economic environment .

  17. 文章结合高速公路客运的作用及存在的问题,论述了我国高速公路客运企业应实施名牌战略。

    Based on the function and problems concerning expressway - transport , this paper discusses the famous brand strategies which should be implemented in the expressway passenger - transport enterprises .

  18. 本文对影响贵州高速公路客运发展的高速公路建设、运输枢纽建设及综合交通等内外部因素进行了深入研究。

    In particular , this article focuses on a study of the internal and external factors that influence highway construction and the development of transportation portal and comprehensive transportation systems .

  19. 借鉴国外成功的经验,论述了高速公路客运组织化的基本理论,提出了我国高速公路客运组织化的目标。

    By utilizing other countries ' previous experiences , it discusses the basic theory of the organizing of expressway passenger transportation , and puts forward the goal of organizing domestic expressway passenger transportation .

  20. 本文在归纳和分析目前我国高速公路客运存在的问题及其原因的基础上,对未来我国高速公路客运的发展环境,特别是市场环境进行了预测分析。

    On the basis of summarizing and analyzing the currently existing problems and reason in domestic expressway passenger transportation , this paper forecasts the development environment of expressway passenger transportation in domestic in the future .

  21. 分析高速公路客运的特点、发展面临机遇的基础上,针对目前存在的主要问题,提出了组建大型客运集团的必要性和紧迫性。

    On the basis of analysis of characters and developing opportunities of expressway passenger transport , the paper , given the main problems , puts forward the necessity and urgency of organizing large-scale passenger transport groups .

  22. 紧接着,论述轨道式特快高速公路客运需求方式分担问题,阐述交通方式分担理论发展趋势、出行时间价值研究等问题;

    This thesis described the problems of mode split of passenger transport demand about Special High-speed Railway of Car , expatiates on the the trend of traffic mode split theory and the value of trip time .

  23. 高速公路客运以其快捷、安全和高质量的特色服务,迎合了旅客运输市场的新需求,受到广大旅客的认可,在短时期内得到了快速发展。

    Catered to the new demand of the passenger transport market and got masses of passenger approve , highway passenger transport with the characteristic service of safety and high-quality , have gotten fast development in short period .

  24. 对高速公路客运企业无形资产的认识、保护和开发利用,已经成为高速公路客运企业在激烈的市场竞争中提高自身竞争能力的发展战略问题。

    It has become a matter of strategy of development in improving their competitive ability in the fierce market economy for expressway coach transportation enterprises to have knowledge , and to protect and exploit and apply intangible assets .

  25. 最后针对目前高速公路客运企业对无形资产不够重视的现状,对高速公路客运企业无形资产的管理和保护进行了一定程度的探讨。

    To the current situation that expressway coach transportation enterprises pay little attention to the intangible assets at present . This paper carries on the discussion of a certain degree to the management and protection of the intangible assets of expressway coach transportation enterprises .

  26. 正视铁路客运冲击,发展高速公路快速客运

    Envisage the Impact from Railway Passenger Transportation and Develop Passenger Transportation on Highway

  27. 但是高速公路快速客运与铁路、民航之间存在着激烈的竞争,特别是它与铁路之间的竞争更加激烈。

    But its development was challenged by railway and airplane passenger transportation . It has a considerable competition with railway passenger transportation .

  28. 高速公路对公路客运业的影响及分析

    Influence of Freeway on Road Passenger Transportation Industries and Analysis

  29. 广东基础设施有了长足的发展,公路、高速公路、民航旅客运输量、吞吐量均居全国首位。

    The infrastructure construcion in Guangdong has a great development . Road , high way , the civil aviation carryings and the turn volume , all these Guangdong stand the first place .

  30. 随着高速公路的发展,高速公路快速客运也迅速升温,城市之间、省与省之间相继通车。十五时期的公路快速客运

    With the development of highway , passenger transportation on highway emerged and developed . Speedy Highway Passenger-transport during the Period of the Tenth Five Years Plan