
  1. 在当今的中国,鲁学让一大批研究者和出版社忙前忙后。

    In the People 's Republic of China today , ' Luxunology ' keeps an army of researchers and publishers busy .

  2. 齐、鲁是汉代经学最发达的地区,齐鲁博士身承齐、鲁文化之精华,而且在秦汉政权体系多占要津。

    The Qilu doctors hold the essence of their culture and take up key posts in Qin Han regime system .

  3. 鲁西北农村中小学体育现状调查研究火奴鲁鲁西北部1300英里的夏威夷群岛的一座环礁。

    Investigation of physical education condition in rural areas in the northwest part of Shandong province ; an atoll in the Hawaiian Islands some 1300 mile northwest of Honolulu ; site of an important United States naval base .