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  • 网络fresh milk;raw milk
  1. 不同加工方法对鲜乳中Vc含量的影响

    Influence of different processing methods on Vc content in fresh milk

  2. 奶牛场鲜乳快速冷却制冷系统的设计与实践

    Design and practice of the quick cooling system for fresh milk in dairy cattle farms

  3. 以鲜乳为原料,研究在4.02kW的相同功率、不同的真空度条件下,干燥时间对乳干燥后的状态、质量、温度、维生素C的含量的影响。

    Taken milk as raw material of our experiment , we studied the effect of drying time on form , weight , temperature , content of vitamin C of dried milk with same microwave power and different degree of vacuum .

  4. 结果表明:以超高温瞬时灭菌法(UHT)对鲜乳中Vc的破坏最小,损失率仅为90%。

    The results showed that the destruction of Vc in fresh milk was minimized by using UHT pasteurization , the loss rate being only 9.0 % .

  5. Mozzarella干酪最佳加工工艺参数为:鲜乳脱脂使原料乳中蛋白质于脂肪比为1.2:1;

    The optimized Mozzarella cheese processing parameters with local raw milk are as follow : the protein / fat ratio is best kept at 1 . 2 : 1 ;

  6. 目前市售鲜乳主要为巴氏杀菌乳和UHT灭菌乳,但也有一部分未经消毒的散装生牛乳。

    At the present the fresh milk on sale mainly are pasteurization milk and ultra high temperature ( UHT ) sterilization milk , but still some not disinfected milk was saled .

  7. 不同胎次中国荷斯坦牛鲜乳脂肪酸组成研究

    Effects of parities on milk fatty acid composition of Chinese Holstein

  8. 瞬变高压对鲜乳中脂肪酶及乳过氧化物酶的影响

    Effects of Instantaneous High-pressure on the Lipase and Lactoperoxidase in Raw Milk

  9. 鲜乳保鲜技术的研究

    Research on Fresh - keeping Technique in Fresh Milk

  10. 鲜乳保鲜技术的研究&Nisin、溶菌酶、抗坏血酸复合型保鲜试验

    Research on Fresh-keeping Technique in fresh milk - the composite fresh-keeping experiment of nisin , lysozyme and ascorbic acid

  11. 研究了以鲜乳和花生为原料生产风味型酸奶的最适配方及生产技术条件。

    The best formulation and producing technique condition that produce the flavored yoghurt with fresh milk and peanut were studied .

  12. 生姜经清洗、打浆榨汁后可制得姜汁,将姜汁以2%的比例添加到经杀菌和冷却处理的鲜乳中可制成具有凝乳状态的姜汁牛乳。

    The ginger juice was extracted from cleaned fresh gingers and added to pasteurized and cooled milk to form milk curd .

  13. 本实验以鲜乳和山楂汁为主要原料,研究了制作山楂风味凝固型酸奶的最佳配方;

    Hawthorn juice and milk were used as raw materials , the optimum formula of using solid yoghurt with hawthorn taste was studied .

  14. 以马铃薯、山药及鲜乳为主要原料探讨了马铃薯山药酸奶的生产工艺条件,并制定了产品质量标准。

    The conditions of produce potato yam yogurt which raw material is potato yam and fresh milk are studied and the produce quality standard are made .

  15. 进行混合发酵菌剂的制备,探讨灵芝酸奶的生产技术条件并对其营养成分进行分析。结果:鲜乳与灵芝深层培养滤液以60∶40的比例混合;

    The mixed fermenting agent was prepared , and the technological conditions for the processing of Ganoderma lucidum yoghurt were investigated and the nutrients in the yoghurt analyzed .

  16. 且处理前后试牛鲜乳质量(鲜乳密度、乳脂率、全乳总固体、乳蛋白和乳糖)无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    And the milk quality ( density , butterfat percentage , total solid body of milk , butter-protein and milk sugar ) had no obvious distinction before and after test .

  17. 介绍在鲜乳中加入红色蔬菜汁和果汁进行调配,再进行乳酸菌发酵制备果蔬混合汁酸奶的工艺流程。

    This paper is to introduce the processing of yoghurt mixture , which means that the fresh milk is to be added with juice of vegetable and fruit , to be blended and to be fermented with lactic acid .

  18. 以黄瓜和鲜乳为主要原料,通过护色试验,研制出一种具有多种营养成分和保健功效的新型酸奶食品及生产工艺。

    The optimal formula was selected with berry and fresh milk as the main materials , protecting color test , choose the stabilizer and orthogonal test method , and a kind of new yogurt food and the technological processes were developed with multi-nutrition and health function .

  19. 结论:鲜驴乳具有一定缓解体力疲劳作用。

    Conclusion : Fresh donkey milk has an obvious anti-fatigue effect .

  20. 鲜核桃乳实验研究的初步报告

    Preliminary Pharmacodynamic Studies of the Fresh Walnut Milk

  21. 低剂量鲜驼乳能显著提高小鼠巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞的能力,其吞噬率为45.62%,吞噬指数为4.51。

    The phagocytosis rate of macrophages and phagocytic index of tumor-bearing mice were significantly increased by feeding low dose camel milk and the values were 45.26 % and 4.51 , respectively .

  22. 结论从来源于鲜牛奶的抗乳酸乳球菌菌株中扩增出完整NSR基因,定位于质粒上。

    Conclusion Complete NSR gene , located on the bacterial plasmid , has been successfully isolated from nisin-resistant Lactococcus lactis strains from fresh milk .

  23. 实验结果显示,使用还原力的检测方法,对鲜牛乳和巴氏乳中的复原乳进行检测,它们的最低检测限均可达到5%。

    This paper also developed AOAC method to detect reconstituted milk in raw and pasteurized milk by determining the protein reducing value .

  24. 全脂奶粉是鲜牛奶经净乳、消毒、浓缩、喷雾干燥而形成的乳黄色粉末。在组装期间,所有蝶阀都可能接触到润滑脂或气溶胶喷射中的硅酮。

    Full Cream Milk powder is produced from fresh cow ` s milk which is evaporated and concentrated and spray-dried . All butterfly valves may incorporate the use of silicone in either grease or aerosol form during the assembly .