  • eagle;hawk
  • 鸟类的一科,猛禽类,嘴钩曲,趾有钩爪,十分锐利,捕食小兽和其他鸟类,猎人可驯养帮助打猎:~犬。~隼(鹰和隼,喻凶猛或凶猛的人)。~视狼步(喻人举止凶狠)。


(鸟类的一科) hawk; eagle:

  • 小鹰


  • 鹰击长空。

    Eagles cleaved the sky.

  • 鹰在空中盘旋。

    The eagle wheeled in the sky.

  1. 他等待着,用鹰一样锐利的目光紧盯着她。

    He waited , watching her like a hawk .

  2. 一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。

    A hawk hovered over the hill .

  3. 在这个故事中神以鹰的形象出现。

    In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle .

  4. 一只鹰在头顶上翱翔。

    An eagle was gliding high overhead .

  5. 《马耳他之鹰》的拍摄进展顺利。

    The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch .

  6. 对印第安人来说,鹰是最神圣的动物。

    The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans .

  7. 鹰是力量和勇气的象征。

    The eagle was an emblem of strength and courage .

  8. 那只鹰向下猛冲,抓住东西后又展翅高飞了。

    The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something .

  9. 这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。

    These hawks are magnificent in flight , soaring and circling for long periods

  10. 自然爱好者要密切留意鹰、鸬鹚和偶尔出现的鲸鱼。

    Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles , cormorants , and the occasional whale .

  11. 他看到一只鹰在头顶上翱翔。

    He saw an eagle gliding high overhead .

  12. 鹰在空中盘旋。

    The eagle wheeled in the sky .

  13. 她像鹰一样注视着他的每一个动作。

    She watched his every move like a hawk .

  14. 鹰有坚硬的喙。

    An eagle has a strong beak .

  15. 这只鹰前前后后飞了好几个来回,然后落在泉水旁边的岩石上。

    The hawk flew back and forth a few times , and then alighted among the rocks by the spring .

  16. 大学生关注的是鹰与其栖息地之间相互依赖的关键问题,五年级学生则倾向于关注个体鹰的特征("它们有多大?"、"他们吃什么?").

    College students focused on critical issues of interdependence between eagles and their habitats Fifth graders tended to focus on features of individual eagles ( " How big are they ? " and " What do they eat ? " ) .

  17. 他们做了六只鹰,每扇窗户一只。

    They made six hawks — one for each window .

  18. 鸟儿看到鹰就会飞走。

    When the birds saw the hawks , they would fly away .

  19. 他们把鹰贴在窗户上。

    They stuck the hawks to the windows .

  20. 蛇被鹰吃掉了。

    The snake is eaten by an eagle .

  21. 然后他们买了一些结实的黑色纸,剪出了鹰的形状。

    Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of a hawk .

  22. 他见过一些红尾鹰、红狐狸、木海龟和其他动物。

    He had seen some red-tail hawks , red foxes , wood turtles and other animals .

  23. 当鹰感觉虚弱,知道自己快死了的时候,它就会来到远方的一座山顶坐在巢里静候。

    When the eagle feels weak and is about to die , it goes to a place far away on the top of a mountain and sits on a nest .

  24. 一只鹰在他们上空无声地盘旋。noise表示噪声;

    Above them an eagle circled in noiseless flight .

  25. 鹰猛地朝兔子扑下来,并把它杀死。

    The hawk swooped down on the rabbit and killed it .

  26. 他们比鹰更敏捷,比狮子还骠悍。

    They were swifter than eagles , they were stronger than lions .

  27. 鹰张开羽毛比两只鹰还大。

    The falcon was twice his size with pouted feathers .

  28. 该名男子有强大和鹰鼻子。

    The man has a strong and aquiline nose .

  29. 两只鹰在头顶盘旋。

    Two hawks were hover ing overhead .

  30. 海沃德那长着鹰钩鼻子的严峻的脸上露出十分专注的神情,无框眼镜的后面,一双褐色的眼睛闪着寒光

    Heyward 's aquiline , austere face showed concentration ; behind rimless glasses his grey eyes were cool .