
  • 网络MARCON;Micron;MICON;Maycom;macron
  1. 总统巴拉克.奥巴马和共和党国会领导人的会面还将等待两个星期左右。今天奥巴马本该与参议员少数党领导人米奇•麦康诺和可能上任为众议院议长的约翰.博纳会面。

    The sit-down between President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders will have to wait nearly two weeks .

  2. 今天奥巴马本该与参议员少数党领导人米奇•麦康诺和可能上任为众议院议长的约翰.博纳会面。

    Obama was supposed to meet with the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and presumptive House Speaker John Boehner today .

  3. 参议院民主党人哈里·瑞德致谢麦康诺昨晚的提议,但他表示还没做好讨价还价的准备。

    Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid acknowledged McConnell had made an offer last night but said he 's not ready to make a counter-offer .

  4. 麦际康MGCAN生产制造优雅,独特的识别证胸牌和证件卡套,更提供多种不同颜色,设计及排列方式选择。

    MGCAN manufactures graceful and unique staff ID name tag , and ID card holder , offering a variety of colors , designs and arrangements .

  5. 结果玄麦咽康含片能显著抑制慢性肉芽肿的形成;抑制角叉菜胶引起的足跖肿胀;还能增加小鼠气管的酚红排泌量。

    Results XBT could significantly inhibit the chronic cotton ball induced subcutaneous granulation hyperplasia in rats and had inhibitory effects on carrageenan induced swelling paws .