
  • 网络madison avenue;Madison Ave
  1. 谷歌和Facebook正在向我们发起攻击,麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue,美国广告业的代名词&译者注)发出了惊呼。

    Google and Facebook are attacking , came the cry from Madison Avenue .

  2. 离开公园的东边,走到麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)去看看沿途商店的橱窗。

    Exit the park on the east side and walk to Madison Avenue for prime window-shopping .

  3. 明年初,它将在东31街和麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)开设其在美国的第一间陈列室。

    Early next year , it will open its first American showroom on East 31st Street and Madison Avenue .

  4. 5月11日,布朗克斯出生、布鲁克林长大的酒店经营人伊恩·施拉格(IanSchrager)揭幕了自己的最新地产——纽约艾迪逊酒店(NewYorkEdition)。它坐落在麦迪逊大道的地标建筑大都会人寿保险大楼(MetropolitanLifeTower)里。

    Ian Schrager , the Bronx-born , Brooklyn-raised hotelier , will unveil his latest property , the New York Edition , in the landmark Metropolitan Life Tower on Madison Avenue on May 11 .

  5. 贝尔斯登总部距摩根大通办公楼不远,位于麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)显要位置,其价值可能将在最终售价中占据相当大比例。

    The value of Bear 's head office in a prime location on Madison Avenue , near JPMorgan 's offices , may account for a large portion of the eventual sale price .

  6. 但我却开始查看邮件,在网上消磨时光,看到了HuffingtonPost上面的一则消息:一位衣着考究的不知名女士丢掉了工作,在麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)上乞讨,来养活4个孩子。

    But instead I started checking e-mails and wasting time on the internet and found myself reading a story from the Huffington Post about a nameless , well-dressed woman on Madison Avenue who had lost her job and was begging on the street to feed her four children .

  7. 你可不可以指给我到麦迪逊大道的路?

    Could you show me the May to Madison avenue ?

  8. 麦迪逊大道上标志性的星巴克都罕有地打烊歇业。

    Even a Starbucks on Madison Avenue didn 't open .

  9. 本次盛典封锁了麦迪逊大道和邦德街。

    The event shut down swathes of Madison Avenue and Bond Street .

  10. 我此刻在办公室的同事,从前在麦迪逊大道当美发师,是个逗趣的人。

    I shared the office with a funny former Madison Avenue hairdresser .

  11. 他是麦迪逊大道的潮流预测者。

    He was a trend forecaster for Madison avenue .

  12. 这可不太像一个诞生于广告圣地麦迪逊大道的品牌名。

    That does not appear to be a name conceived on Madison Avenue .

  13. 在贝尔斯登公司位于麦迪逊大道的总部大楼内,六层的办公区域一片混乱。

    On the sixth floor of Bear 's Madison Avenue headquarters , it was chaos .

  14. 但是,今天,麦迪逊大道的画廊却有许多抽象艺术的展览。

    But nowadays , galleries along the Madison Avenue gives scores of exhibitions of abstract art .

  15. 那就是麦迪逊大道。

    That is Madison Avenue .

  16. 试图让一家老式的麦迪逊大道机构变得截然不同,要困难得多。

    Trying to turn an old-school Madison Avenue institution into something different is a lot more difficult .

  17. 我知道她是谁我在麦迪逊大道看过她的公寓

    Oh , no , I know who she is . I found her duplex on Madison . Okay .

  18. 即使在经济低迷期,麦迪逊大道一年也有340亿美元的生意,原因就是广告是有用的。

    Advertising works , which is why , even in hard economic times , Madison Avenue is a $ 34 billion-a-year business .

  19. 在美国禁酒令时期,是精致的烟草广告促成了现在大众广告业以及麦迪逊大道的崛起。

    In Prohibition America , it was sophisticated tobacco advertising campaigns which gave birth to modern mass advertising and the rise of medicine avenue .

  20. 在拉尔夫•劳伦麦迪逊大道时装店的橱窗上投射着一幅67英寸大的影像,上面有开领短袖式马球衬衫和男女网球球童装。

    Projected on the window of the Ralph Lauren Madison Avenue store is a67-inch image of items including polo shirts and tennis ball boy or ball girl uniforms .

  21. 戛纳电影节对于好莱坞的意义正如戛纳国际创意广告节一直以来对于纽约麦迪逊大道的意义&以及如今对于硅谷的意义。

    What the Cannes Film Festival is to Hollywood , the Cannes Lions International Festival of creativity has long been to Madison Avenue & and now to Silicon Valley too .

  22. 我此刻在办公室的同事,从前在麦迪逊大道当美发师,是个逗趣的人。我们两人一同晨祷,只有我们俩对神唱颂歌。

    I shared the office with a funny former Madison Avenue hairdresser . We 'd do our morning prayers together all alone , just the two of us singing our hymn to God .

  23. 星期一下午,赛琳娜·戈麦斯在纽约的麦迪逊大道购物,一身裙装让她看上去十分青春,看来无论她怎么穿,都是那么可爱,腿也很修长。

    Proving that she 's cute and leggy no matter what she has on , Selena Gomez hit New York 's Madison Avenue on Monday afternoon to indulge in a little much-needed retail therapy .

  24. 在周一晚上的纽约时装周上,妮可基德曼少有露面,她把自己的明星魅力借给托德斯的麦迪逊大道专卖店的重新开张庆典了。

    Nicole Kidman made a rare appearance during New York Fashion Week on Monday night as she lent her star power to the re-opening celebration of the Tod 's Madison Avenue boutique GetWord (" boutique "); .

  25. 别误解我的意思我支持美丽浪漫和性感要不然好莱坞和麦迪逊大道如何繁荣至今虽然这些也很重要但它们不是寻找伴侣的唯一标准

    Don 't get me wrong , I am all for beauty , romance , and sexual attraction where would Hollywood and Madison Avenue be without them ? But while important , those are not the only things to look for in a partner