
  • 网络Madison
  1. 麦迪逊市威斯康辛大学的医生们常被要求帮助解读其他机构的CT扫描。

    Doctors at the University of Wisconsin in Madison are often asked to help interpret CT scans from other institutions .

  2. 之后Rule又在Craigslist上遇到一位想要免费出让一张去威斯康星州麦迪逊市的车票,Rule得到了这张车票并继续她的旅程。在威斯康星州里,她遇到了一位沙发客,最终载着她抵达明尼阿波里斯市。

    Soon Rule discovered a woman on Craigslist who was giving away a free bus ticket to Madison , Wisconsin-Rule accepted it and continued her journey , staying in Wisconsin with a couchsurfer who later drove her to Minneapolis .

  3. 原告是来自麦迪逊市的“摆脱宗教基金会”。

    The plaintiff is the Freedom From Religion Foundation in Madison .

  4. 甚至幼儿园的孩子也能发生这样的改变,理查德?戴维森在麦迪逊市做过实验。

    Even with preschoolers -- Richard Davidson did that in Madison .

  5. 反对:高于平均的房价,无望的就业增长率,非常冷的冬季,麦迪逊市的学校和郊区的学校比相对较差。

    CONS : Above-average housing costs , uninspiring employment growth , bitterly cold winters , Madison city schools are weak relative to the suburban schools .

  6. 2010年机遇敲门了&两兄弟提出的经营计划在威斯康星州麦迪逊市顺利获得批准。

    Opportunity knocked in2010 when the business plan the brothers brought before the city council in Madison , Wisconsin , was approved without a hitch .

  7. 戴恩县县长乔帕里西说,这些措施促使戴恩县的人们致力于发掘处理麦迪逊市污水的方法。

    Joe Parisi , who runs Dane County , says these have spurred the county into working on new measures with the Madison metropolitan sewerage district .