
  • 网络Independence Day;American Independence Day;US Independence Day;Fourth of july
  1. 曾有专家预测,在美国独立日(theIndependenceDay,7月4日&译注)前后,油价或将突破每加仑5美元关口,但这种情况并没出现,油价不升反降。

    But compared to April , when the gallon price peaked this year , gas is 28 cents cheaper and well away from the $ 5 gas that pundits predicted would ruin our independence day .

  2. 奥巴马总统曾希望在7月4日美国独立日之前份签署最终法案。

    President Obama had hoped to sign a final bill by July fourth , Independence Day .

  3. 每逢7月4号美国独立日,哥伦比亚城的居民们都会举行热闹的聚会。

    When July Fourth comes around , the residents of Columbia City throw a noisy party .

  4. 她们俩于1918年7月4日(美国独立日)出生在依阿华州的西奥克斯城。

    They were born in Sioux City , Iowa on July 4 , American Independence Day , in 1918 .

  5. 虽然布什的生日是在星期四,但是在7月4日(美国独立日)这一天,布什就邀请了家人和朋友共进晚餐,庆祝生日。

    Although his birthday was on Thursday , Bush began celebrating at a Fourth of July dinner that included family and friends .

  6. 美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样。不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期。

    Independence Day is just like your National Day , but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday .

  7. 然而他们或许并不知道有关美国独立日的一些传统的起源。

    They might not know , however , about the origins of some of the traditions associated with Independence Day in the United States .

  8. 在祝贺美国独立日的时候,这位部长表达“建立相互尊重的双边外交关系的希望”。

    In a message congratulating the United States on its Independence Day commemoration the ministry expressed its " willingness to establish respectful bilateral diplomatic relations . "

  9. 贝亚尔斯的树帮助贝亚尔斯-琼斯波特的美国独立日庆典筹集资金,并且是格洛斯特的为艺术贡献的非赢利性利益。

    The tree in Beals helps raises money for the Beals-Jonesport Fourth of July festivities and the one in Gloucester benefits a nonprofit devoted to the arts .

  10. 我知道黑暗退去,你的微笑能把天空点亮,就像这个国家最明亮的7月4日(美国独立日)这一天。

    I know that the darkness fades , and that your smile has the power to light up the sky like the country 's brightest Fourth of July .

  11. 据《太阳报》报道,贝克汉姆夫妇计划在美国独立日这天生下女儿,来纪念他们在美国的四年时光。

    Victoria Beckham has been told that she will give birth to her daughter on American Independence Day , 4th July , according to a report in The Sun .

  12. 暴风、海啸所致的断裂高压线有可能依旧带电,你不小心踏错一步,就可能像美国独立日要放的烟火一样被点燃。

    Downed power lines from a hurricane or tsunami can still be live , leaving you one false move from being lit up like a firecracker on the Fourth of July .

  13. 我还知道什么我知道黑暗退去,你的微笑能把天空点亮,就像这个国家最明亮的7月4日,(美国独立日)这一天。

    What else do I know I know that the darkness fades and that your smile has the power to light up the sky like the country 's brightest Fourth of July .

  14. 但是,在遭受了五十年的磨难之后,一个野生动物慈善团体展开了一场大胆的午夜营救行动,将它救了出来。这一天正是美国独立日,大象流下了释怀的泪水。

    But , after 50 years of torture , the animal cried tears of relief after he was rescued by a wildlife charity in a daring midnight operation fittingly on American Independence Day .

  15. 萨摩亚是一个拥有18万人口的国家,它曾经和新西兰、澳大利亚位于同一时区,但在1892年后退了一天,庆祝了两次美国独立日(7月4日),并和美国结成同盟。

    Samoa , a country of about 180000 people , used to be same time zone as New Zealand Australia but went back a day in 1892 , celebrating July 4 twice and aligning itself with the United States .

  16. 正当美国人准备为纪念1776年打退英国人的移民者庆祝时,他们的政府却在不依不饶地起诉一家英国制药公司。这件事正好发生在美国独立日到来之前,一些爱国评论人士可能就这点大做文章。

    PATRIOTIC pundits might make something of the timing , just before America 's Independence Day . As Americans prepared to celebrate the settlers who stuck it to the British in 1776 , their government stuck it to a British drug firm .

  17. 他邀请她去自己在法尔岛上的消夏寓所过美国独立纪念日。

    He invited her to spend the Fourth of July holiday at his summer home on Fire Island

  18. 我建议喝点红酒来庆祝美国的独立日。

    I say have some wine to celebrate Independence Day .

  19. 美国的独立日是7月4日。

    The American day of independence is on July 4th .

  20. 庆祝美国独立纪念日时,许多国家都派其大使代表参加。

    Many countries were represented by their ambassadors at the Independence Day celebrations .

  21. 7月4日是美国的独立日,这天一般有烟花表演压轴,绚丽的烟火在夜空中绽放,与星争妍。

    In the United States , the Fourth of July holiday is usually capped off by a fireworks display that rivals the splendor of stars in the night sky .

  22. 一个更为普通的解释(由一名接近这宗交易的人士给出)是,由于美国的独立日公共假日,在美国开会将太没成效。

    A more mundane explanation provided by a person close to the deal was that the US would have been too unproductive because of the independence day public holiday .

  23. 本周一美国民众庆祝独立日,是为了纪念1776年美国建国元勋宣布脱离英国殖民独立的那天。

    Americans are celebrating Independence Day on Monday-the anniversary of the day the country 's founding fathers declared independence from Britain in1776 .

  24. 亚当死于1826年。一个有趣的巧合是,他死的日子,7月4日,正是美国的独立纪念日。

    Adams died in 1826 . An interesting coincidence is that the date of his death , July fourth , was the anniversary of the American Independence .

  25. 虽然,签署《独立宣言》的事情一直延续到了8月,但7月4日这一天已被正式认定为美国独立的纪念日。

    And although the signing of the declaration was not completed until august , the4th of July has been accepted as the official anniversary of the United States independence .

  26. 许多人表示,他们期待着美国的生日,独立日的到来。

    Many say they are looking forward America 's birthday , the Fourth of July .

  27. 尽管宣言的签署直到八月才完成,7月4日已经被认为是美国独立的正式纪念日。

    Although the signing of the Declaration was not complete until August , the Fourth of July has been accepted as the official anniversary of American independence .

  28. 如果能够胜利。七月四日将不再只是美国的假日(独立日),而是世人一同宣誓之日。

    And should we win the day , the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday , but as the day when the world declared in one voice .

  29. 《独立宣言》是具有世界历史意义的伟大文献,通过《独立宣言》的这一天也成为美国人民永远纪念的节日,定为美国独立日。

    Declaration of Independence is a great history of the world literature , adoption of the Declaration of Independence that the American people will one day become a memorable day for the United States Independence Day .

  30. 但如果你住在美国,观看烟花的最佳时间是现在7月4是美国独立日。

    But if you live in the United States and want to see real fireworks , the best time of the year is about now . The Fourth of July is Independence Day in the United States .