
měi nán zǐ
  • handsome man;Apollo;very good looking man
美男子[měi nán zǐ]
  1. 城北的徐公,是齐国有名的美男子,邹忌真的不相信自己比徐公长得漂亮。

    Xu Gong of the north of the city was a well-known handsome man in the State of Qi . Zou Ji really didn 't believe he was more handsome than Xu Gong .

  2. 圣约翰是个美男子,个子高高的,金发碧眼。

    ' St John is a handsome man , tall and fair , with blue eyes . '

  3. 比尔•盖茨(BillGates)的好朋友们会认为他是个美男子吗?

    Would Bill Gates 's best friends describe him as a beauty ?

  4. 中、美男子职业篮球联赛(CBA和NBA)是我们最熟悉的篮球联赛。

    And good-looking in a professional basketball league ( CBA and NBA ) is our most familiar basketball league .

  5. 纽约时尚观察员、智威汤逊(jwt)广告公司副总裁玛丽安萨尔兹曼(mariansalzman)认为,对“都市美男子”的反感已经在美国的政治生活中产生了影响,日后还将继续。

    Marian Salzman , a New York trend-spotter and executive vice-president of JWT , the advertising agency , believes that the backlash against metrosexuality has already taken its toll on American political life , and will continue to do so in the future .

  6. 古希腊的美男子在体育场上展示自己。

    The beautiful boys of ancient Greece exhibited themselves in gymnasiums .

  7. 他还是个风度翩翩的美男子呀。

    He is a man with an elegant and smart carriage .

  8. 我们的老师是个瘦高型的美男子。

    Our teacher is a tall , thin , good-looking man .

  9. 做个美男子吧,来帮我拿衣服。

    Be a doll and help me carry my clothes .

  10. 她认为他是世上头号美男子&最有风度的绅士。

    She thinks him the most elegant man in the world-the finest .

  11. 她向来办公室的每个美男子都大送秋波。

    She makes eyes at every attractive man who comes to the office .

  12. 大多数的女孩都希望能遇到一位细心、有脑筋又有魅力的健壮美男子。

    Most girls wish they could meet a sensitive hunk , with brains .

  13. 我与美男子徐公相比谁更美呢?

    If you compare me with the handsome xu , who is more handsome ?

  14. 你只可以扮演皮拉木:因为皮拉木面容英俊;是像夏日见到的那种美男子;

    You can play no part but Pyramus : for Pyramus is a sweetfaced man ;

  15. 理想的美男子有一点缺陷或瑕疵反倒是令人向往的。

    In the ideally good-looking man a small imperfection or blemish is considered positively desirable .

  16. 夏兹真是一个美男子。

    Chaz is such a pretty boy .

  17. 一个人从来不认为结了婚的男人是美男子。

    One never thinks of married men 's being beaux . a married male American Indian .

  18. 破晓前,老巴西美男子斐利贝载我回家。

    Just before dawn , Felipe the handsome older Brazilian man offered me a ride home .

  19. “美男子”似乎给自己放假了

    ManOhMan apparently having a day off

  20. 一个魁梧的美男子。

    A great big handsome hunk .

  21. 汤姆是个美男子。

    Tom is a lady-killer .

  22. 而后,出于某种原因,我开始思索老巴西美男子斐利贝。

    And then I start thinking about Felipe , for some reason & that handsome older Brazilian man .

  23. 珍妮特,我什么时候能看见你的新男友?听说他是个迷死人的美男子。

    Janet , when can I meet your new boyfriend ? I hear he 's a real knock-out .

  24. 彼德真是一个美男子,他在高年级班中被选为最英俊的男孩。

    Peter , who was chosen the handsomest boy in the senior class , is quite an Adonis .

  25. 城北的徐公,是齐国有名的美男子。

    Xu Gong of the north of the city was a well-known handsome man in the State of Qi .

  26. 他年轻的时候是个出类拔萃的美男子,如今到了五十四岁仍然一表人才。

    He had been remarkably handsome in his youth , and at fifty-four was still a very fine man .

  27. 不论你承认与否,每个女人都曾梦想有一个美男子弱水三千只取自己这一瓢饮。

    Whether they admit it or not , every woman dreams of having a handsome man chase after them exclusively .

  28. 美貌的男子,美男子男性不育患者精子核蛋白组型转换与精子密度及活力分析

    A man of fine features The study of the relationship between sperm nucleoprotein transition and sperm density and motility in male infertility

  29. 我热切地想听到他说话的内容,十分确定他此时正提供着最宝贵的建议;而他又是那般温柔地凝视着他的倾听者,真是活脱脱的一个美男子。

    I was sure he was giving the very best advice ; and the strong tenderness of his gaze was really beautiful .

  30. 鲁道夫,这部无声电影中的美男子,有一个绝妙的本事&使女人感到两腿发软。

    Rudolph , the Adonis of the silent films , had one great quality - to make women feel weak at the knees .