
  • 网络michiko;Empress Michiko;Michiko Kakutani
  1. 但美智子皇后于周一表示自己的身体状况已好转。

    But Michiko said Monday she was fine .

  2. 纪宫公主是明仁天皇和皇后美智子最小的孩子,也是他们三个孩子中最后结婚的一个。

    Sayako is the youngest child of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko and the last of their three children to wed .

  3. 美智子:噢,我喜欢。

    MIQIKO : Oh , I like those .

  4. 72岁的美智子皇后能否出访一直令人担忧。

    Concerns had been raised that the 72-year-old empress might not be up to the trip .

  5. (法新社东京电)日皇明仁与皇后美智子自东京启程,飞往东欧四国访问。

    ( AFP , Tokyo ) Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko left Tokyo for a visit to four East European countries .

  6. 作为第一位以平民身份嫁入日本皇室的女子,美智子在日本成为优雅和智慧的象征。

    Michiko , who was the first commoner to marry into the royal family , became a national icon of gracefulness and intelligence .

  7. 而美智子皇后则坦言,她有时倒会突发奇想,希望能有一顶隐形斗篷。

    Empress Michiko , meanwhile , admitted that she has sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a cloak of invisibility .

  8. 当晚,姚看到了美智子的作品,晴空下一望无际的道路。

    On the same night , Yao sees Mijiko 's works on that there is a road stretching to the horizon under a clear sky .