
huáng shān
  • Huangshan mountains;Mount Huang
黄山 [huáng shān]
  • [Huangshan mountains] 中国名山,在安徽省东南部,主峰1841米,风景秀丽,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉闻名于世,为重要风景旅游胜地

黄山[huáng shān]
  1. 去黄山旅游的事没戏了。

    Our trip to Mount Huang is off .

  2. 一天,我和妈妈去爬黄山。

    One day , Mother and I went to climb Mount Huang .

  3. 黄山山景,处处可以入画。

    Every bit of Huangshan Mountain scenery is worth painting .

  4. A:黄山怎么样?

    A :   How   about   Huangshan   Mountain ?

  5. 新疆东天山秋格明塔什&黄山韧性剪切带~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年代学研究

    ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar Geochronology of the Qiugemingtashi & Huangshan Ductile Shear Zone in East Tianshan , Xinjiang , NW China

  6. 黄山地区黄山松(PinustaiwanensisHayata)针叶结构的海拔变异

    Altitudinal Variation of Needle Structure in Pinus Taiwanensis Hayata ( Pinaceae ) from Mount Huangshan

  7. 本文采用实证研究方法,以黄山市为研究对象,运用SWOT分析工具对黄山市旅游业发展的现状以及旅游业发展的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等方面进行了综合分析。

    Meanwhile , using SWOT analysis tool , this paper analyzes the basic situation , strengths , weakness , opportunities and threat of Huangshan Tourism Development .

  8. 并运用SWOT模型进行分析,指出了黄山市体育旅游开发的优势、劣势、机遇和存在的威胁,促进黄山体育旅游更上一个台阶。

    SWOT analysis and use models , pointed out the development of Sports Tourism strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats exist to promote sports tourism of Huangshan to a higher level .

  9. 黄山是我国著名的4A国家风景名胜区,世界自然与文化遗产和世界地质公园;

    Mout Huang is a famous 4-A scenic resort , but also a world natural and cultural heritage , and a word geographical park in China .

  10. 采用计盒维数和信息维数对屏南和寿宁不同群落的天然黄山松(Pinustaiwanensis)种群格局的分形特征进行比较分析。

    The fractal characteristics of pattern of Pinus taiwanensis population in different natural community types in Pingnan and Shouning county was analyzed by applying box-counting dimension and information dimension .

  11. 在生物量、生产力研究的基础上,通过干重热值测定,对黄山松(Pinustaiwanensis)群落的能量现存量、能量净固定量及太阳能转化效率进行分析讨论。

    On the basis of the biomass and productivity research , and by means of calorimetry measurement , the standing crop of energy , net energy production and energy conversing efficiency of Pinus taiwanensis community were determined .

  12. 针对旅游供需两方面存在的问题,采用DEMATEL调查法整理出黄山市旅游发展中存在的潜在问题,并提出了3种解决方案。

    After considering the problems of both tourist supply side and tourist need side , DEMATEL method was conducted and three plans were presented to solve those problems .

  13. 这里的缆车和黄山的一样,也是我家乡的公司Doppelmayer生产的(参见“黄山”一文)。

    The cable car is , once again , furnished by my home-town company Doppelmayer , the same one that provides the cable car at Huangshan . ( See Huangshan Article ) .

  14. 黄山冬季旅游气候资源与开发利用研究

    The winter tourism climatic resource and exploitation in the Yellow Mountain

  15. 黄山风景区的珍稀植物资源

    The resources of rare and endangered plants in Huangshan scenic spot

  16. 黄山风景名胜区生态安全现状分析

    Analysis on current situation of ecological security in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  17. 明中期以后,黄山游人日渐增多。

    After the mid-Ming , the visitors increased day by day .

  18. 黄山松对松针褐斑病菌的感病性研究

    Studies on susceptibility of Pinus taiwanensis to brown spot needle disease

  19. 黄山不仅自然景观奇特,而且文化底蕴深厚。

    Huangshan is not only peculiar natural landscape and cultural heritage .

  20. 不同采收期对黄山松种子品质的影响

    Effect of Different Collection Time on Quality of Pinus taiwanensis seed

  21. 逐孔起爆技术在黄山石灰石矿山中的应用

    Application of Hole by Hole Blasting Technique on Huangshan Limestone Mine

  22. 天然黄山松竞争指标及林分竞争生长模型的研究

    A Study of Competitive Index and Growing Model of Pinus taiwanensis

  23. 黄山市区域野生动植物保护系统构建初探

    Preliminary Structure Exploration for Regional Wildlife Protection System in Huangshan City

  24. 铜陵至黄山高速公路景观设计技术

    Technology of Landscape Design for Freeway from Tongling to Huangshan Moutain

  25. 黄山林木白蚁种类及分布的初步考查

    Preliminary investigations on species and distribution of termites in Huangshan Mountain

  26. 山岳型旅游地国内客流时空特性&以黄山、九华山为例

    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Domestic Tourist Flows to Mountain Resorts

  27. 黄山自然风景保护区种子植物多样性的开发利用

    Diversity of Seed Plants and Utilization in Huangshan Nature and Scenic Reservation

  28. 黄山国内游客流量预测

    Calculation on the flow of demestic tourists to Huangshan Mountain

  29. 黄山翡翠谷景区旅游发展规划构想

    Tourism Planning for the Jadeite Valley Scenic Area in Huangshan

  30. 安徽黄山生态公益林资金补助问题研究

    Study on Economical Subsidiary Question of Public Forest in Huangshan