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  • 网络cucumber slices
  1. 那是一种有鲜虾,并伴以黄瓜片、、铃薯丁的沙拉。

    It is a salad with fresh shrimps , cucumber slices , eggs , and diced potato .

  2. 大部分食客都会点些小菜来分食,比如黄瓜片、蔬菜饭、玉米酱炸鱼、叉烧肉、葱饼、肉夹馍和砂锅蟹。

    Most diners order small dishes to share : chilled cucumber slices , vegetable rice , fried fish with corn sauce , sweet and sour pork , scallion pancakes , buns stuffed with minced meat and a whole crab in a clay pot .

  3. 盘子里的黄瓜片和蘸酱只有一点。

    There were fewer slices of cucumber and one less dipping sauce .

  4. 一般情况下,这些猴子很乐意用石块来换黄瓜片。

    Normally , the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber .

  5. 它里面有鲜虾,并拌以黄瓜片、蛋、马铃薯丁。

    W : It is a salad with fresh shrimps , cucumber slices , eggs , and diced potato .

  6. 在练习之前要考虑到危机因素——排除令人感觉不舒适的食物——吃一些黄瓜片或豆薯吧。

    Get the crunch factor in before practice - minus the discomfort - with some sliced cucumber or jicama .

  7. 米饭配上切成片的白切鸡、黄瓜片及辣椒酱,再配上热汤就可以了。

    Slices of chicken are served over rice with a side of broth , sliced cucumber and hot sauce .

  8. 在1000mg/kg速克灵浸泡的黄瓜片上,敏感菌株受到完全抑制,突变菌株则基本不受抑制。

    By soaking the slices with 1 000 mg / kg procymidone , the sensitive strain was inhibited entirely while the mutant was done little .

  9. 冷黄瓜或土豆片效果也不错。

    Chilled cucumber or potato slices work , too .

  10. 混合泡菜坛子里装有黄瓜、菜花片和洋葱。

    Jars of mixed pickles contain gherkins and pieces of cauliflower as well as onions .

  11. 发达芝士,黄瓜,番茄片,黑橄榄和绿橄榄,虾(酸奶莳萝酱)

    Feta , cucumber - , tomato cubes , black and green olives , shrimp .

  12. 用洋葱,胡萝卜,黄瓜和番茄片制作的沙拉。

    Sliced onion , carrots , cucumbers , and tomatoes on a bed of fresh leafy .

  13. 你需要准备几片薄薄的莳萝酸黄瓜,几片厚厚的番茄片。

    What you need is thin wisps of a dill pickle , thicker wisps of sliced tomato .

  14. 把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。

    Slice the cucumber thinly .

  15. 在植物生长室中,黄瓜植株第1片真叶出现后,用人工UVB光源照射60d,测定植物各叶位叶片的生长和生理活动。

    The growth and physiological variation of cucumber grown under UV B radiation for 60 d in plant growth chamber were monitored .

  16. 黄瓜通常被切成片,拌在色拉里生吃。

    Cucumbers are usually sliced and eaten raw in salads .

  17. 作为纽约今夏的最新风潮,拍黄瓜“凹凸的棱角以及粗糙的表面能快速地吸收调料味道并能在数秒内和调料融为一体,”和“油盐不进”的黄瓜片恰好相反。

    As the latest trend in New York this summer , smashed cucumbers and " their craggy edges and rough surfaces absorb flavors and form relationships in seconds , " as opposed to sliced cucumbers , which tend to " shrug " off the dressing .