
huáng jīng
  • celestial longitude;longitude;ecliptic longitude
黄经 [huáng jīng]
  • [celestial longitude] 天球黄道坐标系中的经度,由春分点起向东量度

黄经[huáng jīng]
  1. 太阳黄经和节气时间的近似推算与Newcomb太阳表

    The approximate calculation of the sun 's longitude and the time of the twenty-four solar terms together with newcomb 's tables of the sun

  2. 时间和价格的24小时旋转&地球绕轴24小时自转,在黄经上运行360度。

    24 Revolutions of Time and Price - The earth makes one revolution on its axis in 24 hours , moving 360 degrees in longitude .

  3. 通过推导发现,奇数阶引潮力位产生的岁差章动力矩使得黄经章动和交角章动出现了异向项(即:黄经章动出现了cos项,交角章动出现了sin项)。

    Theoretical deduction shows that precession-nutation moment induced by odd order tidal generating potential causes out of phases of longitude and obliquity nutation ( namely , there are cos term in longitude nutation , but sin term in obliquity nutation ) .

  4. 川滇地区地震时的月日赤纬及黄经差特征比较

    A Comparison of the Characteristics of Co-seismic Lunar-solar Declination and Ecliptic-longitude Difference between Yunnan and Sichuan

  5. 考虑月球升交点黄经的地月低能转移轨道

    Low Energy Transfer Orbit to the Moon Considering Longitude of the Ascending Node of the Moon

  6. 木星是在双子座的21度,那是黄经81度,来自从0度开始的9的平方。

    The planet Jupiter is at21 degrees gemini , which is81 degrees in longitude from " 0 " the square of9 .

  7. 中国传统数理天文学的行星运动理论的主要目的,是计算任意给定时刻行星的地心真黄经。

    The aim of planetary theory in traditional Chinese astronomical mathematics is to calculate the true geocentric longitude at arbitrary given time .

  8. 又利用行星之地心真黄经的理论模型,探讨了中国古代行星算法模型的天文意义。

    According to its theoretical model of the true geocentric longitude , the astronomical meaning of planetary theory in ancient China is revealed .

  9. 本文从分析等高仪同一夜晚两相邻星组的组间差入手,证实了不论在纬度方面还是在经度方面,组间差的变化率都是存在的,且与平太阳黄经有关。

    From the analysis of the difference between two neighbouring groups obtained with an astrolabe in the same night , the existance ( with regard to both latitude and longitude ) of the rate of change of the difference between two neighbouring star groups is discovered .

  10. 南黄大麦经正反交遗传实验,F1代叶色性状均表现母本性状,故为细胞质遗传。

    Nanchong yellowish barley ′ s reciprocal cross experiments showed that the leaf character of F is the same as the maternal ones . So it is due to cytoplasm heredity .

  11. 结果表明:黄秋葵经漂烫处理后进行速冻保鲜其保鲜期可达9个月,其中,漂烫时间以0.5~1min的处理效果显著。

    The results show that the period of quick - freezing storage of okra can be 9 months after scalding . The best time for scalding is 0.5 ~ 1 min.

  12. 论《黄庭经》养生教育思想的理论基础

    The theoretic basis of the educational thoughts of preserving one 's health on Huang Ting Jing

  13. 增白作用是利用光学上的补色原理,使泛黄物质经荧光增白剂处理后,不仅能反射可见光,还能吸收可见光以外的紫外光并转变为具有紫监色或青色的可见光反射出来。

    According to optical complementary color principle , brightening action means that matter suffused with yellow can not only reflect visible light but also absorb ultraviolet light which will be transformed to visible light reflected with indigo or cyan after handled by fluorescence brightening agent .

  14. 目前商用白光LED大部分采用光转换方式,将YAG荧光粉涂敷在蓝光LED芯片表面,由蓝光激发荧光粉发出黄光,经混合成白光。

    Most commercial White LED is in the manner of light conversion , which is fabricated by coating YAG phosphors on the chip of blue LED . The YAG phosphors emit yellow light excited by the bule light and the two lights mix into white light .

  15. 方法去透明带金黄地鼠卵经不同浓度的纯化人精子MR作用后,用透射电子显微镜观察卵母细胞超微结构的变化。

    Methods The zona free hamster eggs were pre-incubated with MR which isolated from motile sperm of human by mannose-agarose gel affinity chromatography .

  16. 使用的黄热病疫苗必须经世卫组织批准。

    The yellow fever vaccine used must be approved by WHO .

  17. 野油菜黄单胞杆菌产生的黄原胶,经使用表明这种微生物产品拥有巨大的潜在市场。

    This use of xanthan gum , produced by Xanthomonas campestris , represents a large potential market for this microbial product .

  18. 研究了一种新的黄腐酸提纯工艺方法,采用异相离子交换膜进行黄腐酸的电渗析提纯,黄腐酸经电渗析后的纯度可达95%,收率为88.47%;

    Proposed is a process for purification of yellow humic acid by heterophase cation-exchange membrane . After electrophoresis , its purity was up to 95 % and recovery , 88.47 % .