
  • 网络Gold Shares;gold stock
  1. 通过数据分析发现,截至数据收集截止日,国内黄金股票的价格存在被高估的情况,黄金股票价格已经严重背离了其内在价值。

    Data analysis showed that it was overvalued by the deadline of data collection , and the price of the domestic gold stock has been a serious departure from its intrinsic value .

  2. 很多投资者将黄金价格的趋势预测作为判断黄金股票价格走势的重要依据,将相对估值分析作为筛选最佳投资对象的参考依据是不全面的。

    Many investors consider the gold price trend forecasting as an important basis for judging the gold stock price movements . The relative valuation analysis is not a comprehensive reference for screening the best investments .

  3. 证券交易所黄金股票昨天又大幅度上涨了。

    Gold shares jumped at the Stock Exchange yesterday .

  4. 昨天黄金股票猛涨。

    Gold Shares jumped yesterday .

  5. 如果他们准备承受大于金价本身波动的波动性,那么他们可以向黄金股票型基金配置资金。

    If they are prepared to put up with even more volatility than the gold price itself , they can allocate money to gold equity funds .

  6. 由于其经营产品的特殊性,购买黄金股票不仅是投资金矿公司,更是间接的投资黄金,因此这种投资行为比单纯的黄金买卖或股票买卖更为复杂。

    Because the unique quality of it , it is a much more complex investment behavior to buy gold stocks investment in gold mining companies than to have indirect investment in gold .

  7. 黄金股票该如何估值,各种影响因素对黄金股票价格的影响有多大,是本文探讨的主要内容。

    How to get the valuation of gold stocks , by its adaptation to the traditional method of valuation by the impact of the price of gold , is the main content of this paper .

  8. 正规注册交易服务商,同时持有期货、黄金、股票、货币买卖牌照!

    Register normally trade service business , at the same time license plate of business of hold futures , gold , stock , money !

  9. 因为许多交易品(例如黄金和股票)的涨跌呈负相关关系,所以从某种程度上来说,相互之间的风险可以互相抵消。

    This is because some assets ( gold and equities , say ) tend to be negatively correlated , so risks offset each other somewhat .

  10. 理查德•戴维斯我们建议投资者购买少量的黄金类股票,这类股票在你购买的有价证券中应占3%至5%。

    We would advise investors to only put a very small part of their portfolio into the gold shares . We would say maybe only 3 to 5 percent of their portfolio should be invested in gold equities .

  11. 我不认同如下观点:即黄金股只是股票,而眼下股市正在下跌。

    I do not buy the argument that gold shares are just shares and stock markets are falling at the moment .

  12. 投资者已表明了他们对于经济复苏力度的怀疑,他们抛售大宗商品(尤其是石油及黄金)和股票。

    Investors signalled their doubts about the strength of the economic recovery by selling off commodities , notably oil and gold , and stocks .

  13. 里丁拥有Aureus的一小部分股份,他非常清楚黄金矿商的股票在过去3年遭受重创。

    Mr Reading owns a small percentage of Aureus and is painfully aware that gold shares have been hammered over the past three years .

  14. 里丁拥有Aureus的一小部分股份,他非常清楚黄金矿商的股票在过去3年遭受“重创”。

    Mr Reading owns a small percentage of Aureus and is painfully aware that gold shares have been " hammered " over the past three years .

  15. 当美国自由主义政客、长期批评美联储(Fed)的罗恩保罗(RonPaul)最近透露,他的前十支持股都是黄金和白银矿业股票。这一消息在博客界引起了普遍反响。

    When Ron Paul , a US libertarian politician and veteran critic of the Federal Reserve , disclosed recently that his top 10 equity holdings were all gold and silver mining stocks , the news reverberated around the blogosphere .

  16. 由波尔多一级酒庄构成的Liv-ex高级葡萄酒50指数表现更胜一筹,上涨了57%,胜过黄金、石油和股票。

    The performance of the Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 Index ( made up of first-growth Bordeaux ) was even better in 2010 , rising 57 per cent and thereby beating gold , oil and equities .

  17. 如果只在一家交易所交易的话,既希望黄金上涨又希望股票价格上涨的投资者可以提供较少的抵押品。

    An investor wagering that both gold and equities will go up should need to provide less collateral if a single exchange is used .

  18. 这是阳光下的膨胀几乎所有资产-垃圾债券,公司债券,黄金,商品,股票,你能想到的。

    It 's inflating virtually every asset under the sun & junk bonds , corporate bonds , gold , commodities , stocks , you name it .

  19. 但随着经济的迅猛发展,相当多的中国老百姓手里都拥有一些财产&房子、车子、黄金、珠宝、股票、艺术品、古董和其他资产。

    But along with hectic economic development , a large group of ordinary Chinese now own some property - apartments , vehicles , gold , jewelry , stocks , art , antiques and other assets .

  20. 对资产管理者来说,投资黄金可以有效地多样化其投资组合,因为黄金价格与股票和债券等众多资产价格长期看呈现弱反向变动趋势。

    For asset managers , investing in gold can effectively diversify their investment portfolio because the changes of gold prices and stocks , bonds , and many other asset prices in the long run , show a weak reverse trend .