
  • 网络Demonetization of Gold;Gold Demonetization
  1. 2000年4月,瑞士通过全民公决废除了金本位制,黄金非货币化的程度进一步加深。

    Switzerland abolished gold standard system through referendum in April 2000 , and the extent of gold demonetization has been further extended .

  2. 黄金非货币化后,许多人将黄金仅仅视为一般商品,而在实际上并非如此。

    After the non-monetary process of gold , many people view gold as an ordinary commodity .

  3. 自黄金非货币化后,各国央行调整黄金储备。其调整的目的分为二类:一类是把黄金作为商品,降低黄金储备量;

    After the gold has been demonetized , the central banks of many countries began to adjust gold reserve .

  4. 黄金非货币化后,美元成为黄金的主要计价货币,美元汇率对金价产生重大影响。

    After the gold was demonetized , the U.S.dollar became the main valuation currency , and had a momentous effect on gold price .

  5. 虽然黄金已经非货币化,但自黄金成为货币起,黄金一直是一种同时具有商品属性和货币属性的特殊物品。

    The gold is not currency now , but the gold has been a kind of special article with both goods attribute and monetary attribute at all the time since it became currency .

  6. 不管黄金怎样的被非货币化,黄金依然是硬通货,是重要的金融资产和保值手段以及投资工具。

    However gold is regarded " non-monetary ", it is still means of hard currency , which is an important financial asset along with a hedge instruments and investment tools .