- 名Yellowfin Tuna;allison tuna

The catch weight was different in various sea areas , the proportion of skipjack tuna in the sea area east of 162 ° E was higher than that west of 162 ° E , while yellowfin tuna was contrary to skipjack tuna .
Relationship between vertical distribution of yellowfin tunas ' ( thunnus albacares ) and the concerned environmental factors in the Central Atlantic Ocean
Nutrient Components and Estimation of Tuna 's Back Muscle
Atlantic Ocean catches consist mostly of yellowfin .
While they seem to favor squid and crustaceans , Yellowfins are not picky eaters .
Catch rate analysis of yellowfin tuna from longline fishery using generalized linear model in the Indian Ocean
Study on the temp-spatial distribution of skipjack resources for tuna purse seine in the west-central Pacific Ocean ;
The nutrition component of yellow fin tuna head were analyzed , nutrient value of which protein was evaluated .
The paper will analyse the tuna fishery prospect of china from the following factors : resources , management and technology .
The barycenter of fishing ground for yellowfin tuna were different in El Nino and La Nina condition from the other year .
Yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) is a major target species of the tuna purse seine fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean .
This tuna is a member of the same family as the Bonito and schools in waters of both northern and southern hemispheres .
One day when I was working in Capri , an island off the south of Italy , I received a fresh Mediterranean yellow fin tuna .
A commercially important tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) with bright yellow fins and many scales , found in warm parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .
In the 1950s , purse seines were used to harvest massive numbers of Yellowfin , by exploiting the tendency for dolphins to travel with the schools .
The results showed that the distribution of yellowfin tuna longline fishing-grounds are mainly located in the tropical areas , which are between 20 ° N and 20 ° S.
They tend to school strongly and can be found in the open tropical or subtropical waters of oceans , though they avoid the more closed environments of the Mediterranean and Black Seas .
Based on the catch data of yellowfin tuna captured by Chinese tuna longline fleet in the west-central Indian Ocean from January to June in 2003 and 2004 , the basic biological characteristics of catch composition of yellowfin tuna captured were investigated .
For the abdominal flesh contains more fat and protein than dorsal flesh , the sashimi for the former is more red and the mouthfeel is more soft , but come to the sensory evaluation , the both has no significant difference .
Based on the data collected by Fishery Scientific Observers in Chinese tuna longline fleet in the Atlantic Ocean during 2001 and 2003-2005 , the biological features of main fishing species i.e. , bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) and yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) were analyzed .