- yellow weasel;kolinsky;Japanese mink

[yellow weasel;Japanese mink] 亚洲产的一种鼬鼠( Mustela sibirica ),身体细长,四肢短,尾蓬松,背部棕灰色。昼伏夜出,主要捕食鼠类,有时也吃家禽。是一种毛皮兽,尾毛可制毛笔。也叫黄鼠狼
Objective To research on rat-control capabilities of the yellow weasel .
Among them most abundant are Talai hare , yellow weasel and rock squirrel .
The impact of wind speed on fur is significant between seasons and between genders . 8 .
Siberian weasel have ( Mustela sibirica ) a strong adaptability , widely distribute in different geographical environment , and even the same geographical population can adapt to various habitat types .
The volatile constituents of the anal sac secretion of the Siberian weasel ( Mustela sibirica ) were sampled using the headspace technique and solvent desorption and then examined by gas chromatography mass spectrometry .
Ambient air temperature has a significant impact on fur thermal flux .
A Study on Morphologic Characteristics of Mustela Sibirica Digestive System
But , the fine hair on otter has long triangle hair cuticle .
Study on histology of respiration organ of Mustela sibirica
Morphologic characteristic study of skeleton of Mustela sibirica
They photographed the entire course of a snake falling victim to a weasel .
The Biological Characteristics and Strategy for Reasonable Use on Yellow Weasel in Heilongjiang Province
On the sex ratio of the weasel ( mustela sibirica ) and its productive significance
The weasel skin with dry water stains in Hatch No.5 gives off a horrible smell .
The following Monday , I went back to work and I confronted that little weasel -- I mean my news director
The air temperature has highly significant impact on fur thermal flux between summer and winter , and between male and female .
The point of nose was black , so it was similar with a weasel , but the body was a little bigger than the weasel 's one .
Although the chemical constituents of the anal sac secretion of siberian weasels had great similarity to those of other Mustela species , inter species differences between them and other Mustela species existed .
There are significant differences in skin thickness and hair density among the three ecotypes , of which the forest ecotype is the highest , plain ecotype is the lowest , hill ecotype is medium . 3 .
The fur thermodynamic property of weasel explains the biological significance of different morphological characteristics , reflects the response of fur characteristics to different ecological factors changes , and incarnates the adaptability that the morphology and function of animal fur highly unify .
In the hairs of yellow weasel , Arctic fox and leopard cat , the proportion of the hair 's top without medulla and the proportion of the hair 's root without medulla have the correlativity , the coefficient is 0.67 , 0.56 , 0.65 ;
The pelage morphological structure of weasel is complicated and high diversity , the characteristics of pelage of weasels from different habitat type show obvious differentiation , which provide a ideal object for researching adaptive evolution of animal by the morphological structure and characteristics of pelage .