
hēi shǒu
  • a vicious person manipulating sb. or sth. from behind the scenes;evil backstage manipulator;a vicious person manipulating sb.or sth.from behind the scenes evil backstage manipulator
黑手 [hēi shǒu]
  • [a vicious person manipulating sb.or sth.from behind the scenes evil backstage manipulator] 比喻暗中搞阴谋活动的势力

黑手[hēi shǒu]
  1. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  2. 用黑手清空驻守得步兵,为自己占一个。

    Use a Black Hand to garrisons , and take it for yourself .

  3. 所有的矛头都指向了一个人,大恶魔峰,杀死兰迪父亲的幕后黑手,同时也是FBI的头号通缉犯。

    All the finger pointing of a man , devil peak behind the killing of his father Randy also the FBIs most wanted man .

  4. 唔,研究人员认为太阳风和辐射是“幕后黑手”,他们打算开展一项任务来找出原因何在。这项任务名为MAVEN——火星大气与挥发物演化任务(MarsAtmosphereandVolatileEvolutionMission)。

    Well , researchers believe that solar wind and radiation is behind the theft , and they 're planning a mission to find out , called MAVEN : Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission

  5. 它们列举那些为盈利而传播疾病的“大制药公司”幕后黑手,并声称比尔·盖茨(BillGates)等亿万富翁私下里都是优生主义者,他们寻求通过推广有毒的儿童疫苗来解决人口过剩的问题。

    They trace the hidden hand of " Big Pharma " spreading disease for profit and claim that billionaires like Bill Gates are closeted eugenicists seeking to address overpopulation by promoting poisoned childhood vaccines .

  6. Dyn首席战略官凯尔.约克(KyleYork)表示,该公司与执法机构仍在调查这次攻击的幕后黑手。

    Kyle York , Dyn 's chief strategy officer , said the company , alongside law enforcement agencies , was still investigating who was behind the attack .

  7. 纽约CNN财经:美国相信朝鲜是索尼摧毁性黑客事件的幕后黑手,但想要得到适当的大幅,能做的似乎很有限并且很复杂。

    NEW YORK ( CNN Money ) The United States believes North Korea is behind the devastating Sony hack . But options for an adequate response seem limited and complex .

  8. 说明:天文学家转行干起了侦探,试图找出导致NGC1316面貌如此另类的神秘黑手。

    Explanation : Astronomers turn detectives when trying to figure out the cause of startling sights like NGC1316 .

  9. Dyn上周六发布博文称,正在警惕进一步的攻击,并正与执法机构和其他方面合作,调查此次攻击的幕后黑手。

    Dyn said in a blog post on Saturday that it was watching out for any further attacks and working with law enforcement agencies and others to investigate who was behind the attack .

  10. 这位Bezim星球统治者长着圆圆的脑袋,是个身材高大举止优雅的人形生物,“你认为杜库伯爵是谋杀Kash的幕后黑手吗?”

    The ruler of Bezim was a tall humanoid with a domed head and a grave manner . " Do you think Count Dooku is behind the murder of Kash ?"

  11. 辛格表示,他理解该城市居民的震惊和愤怒。他承诺一定会毫不留情的打击这次袭击的幕后黑手。印度高级国家安全官员,内政部长奇丹巴拉姆(P.Chidambaram)也抵达孟买。

    Singh said he understands the shock and anger felt by the city 's inhabitants , and vowed to pursue those who planned the attacks " relentlessly . " The country 's top national security official , Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram , is also in Mumbai .

  12. 欧洲刑警组织(Europol)昨日表示,迄今已有150个国家的20万台电脑在第一波网络攻击中受到感染。“最近这起袭击达到前所未有的水平,将需要展开一场复杂的国际调查来找出幕后黑手,”该组织补充称。

    So far , 200000 computers across 150 countries are known to have been infected in the first wave of the cyber attack , Europol said yesterday . " The recent attack is at an unprecedented level and will require a complex international investigation to identify the culprits , " Europe 's police agency added .

  13. 期货投机&操纵油价涨落的黑手

    Futures speculation & evil backstage manipulator of fluctuations of oil prices

  14. 那你就要告诉我谁是幕后黑手。

    You 've got to tell me who 's behind it .

  15. 如果A是幕后黑手

    If " A " is behind this , that 's exactly

  16. 媒体和政治势力的黑手控制着人们的经验;

    Control of experience by the hands of media , political power ;

  17. 他是资金流动的主要黑手。

    He 's a major player on the money side .

  18. 一只手,两只手,无数粗硬的黑手。

    One hand , two hands , numerous rough and black hands .

  19. 幕后黑手如果我能找到杀害武田先生的凶手那么…

    If I can I.D. Takeda 's killer , then ...

  20. 他知道皇帝是幕后黑手。

    He knew that the emperor was behind all this .

  21. 这场冲突背后的终极黑手就是海湾国家和伊朗。

    The Gulf countries and Iran are its ultimate sponsors .

  22. 格雷森一家是幕后黑手他们会付出代价

    The Graysons are behind this , and they 're gonna pay .

  23. 但我会找到幕后黑手的。

    But I 'm gonna find the bastard behind this .

  24. 警察也会找出来幕后黑手

    And the police are gonna figure out who 's behind this .

  25. 你觉得他能当幕后黑手?

    and you think he 's a criminal mastermind ? !

  26. 它们有时还会下黑手,往眼睛上招呼。

    They even fight dirty , going for the eyes .

  27. 非洲南部黑脸黑手的猴子。

    South African monkey with black face and hands .

  28. 你说阿萨德是恐怖袭击的幕后黑手。

    About Assad being the one behind these attacks .

  29. 你为何老在我背后当黑手?

    Why are you always one step behind me ?

  30. 警惕高油价背后的基金黑手

    Be Alert to the Fund behind Higher Oil Price