
  • 网络Black shale
  1. 其具有独特的元素地球化学特征:K、Ti元素在黑色页岩中的含量高于底部硅质岩,而P元素的含量却相反,硅质岩中的含量显著高于其上覆的黑色页岩;

    Special geochemical characteristics of the elements that potassium and titanic element contents in black shale are higher than silicalite at base , but phosphor element is contrary in content , which in silicalite is significantly higher than overlying black shale ;

  2. 主要成果如下:(1)采用XRD、EPMA、SEM-EDS、BEI等多种检测手段对贵州铜仁地区黑色页岩中钒赋存状态进行了研究。

    Listed below are the main results : ( 1 ) The occurrences of vanadium in black shale from Tongren region of Guizhou province was analyzed by means of many detection methods such as XRD , EPMA , SEM-EDS and BEI .

  3. 贵州遵义寒武系底部黑色页岩中含Mo、Ni、U等重金属的富集层,它们一直被认为与热水沉积作用有关。

    Abundant Mo , Ni , U ore deposit within the black shales at the bottom of Cambrian in Zunyi , Guizhou Province was considered hydrothermal sediment .

  4. 黑色页岩与大洋缺氧事件的Re-Os同位素示踪与定年研究

    Re-Os isotope tracing and dating of black shales and oceanic anoxic events

  5. 同时,黑色页岩因风化分解释放CO2、产生酸性矿排水、释出重金属元素等而可能对环境产生严重影响,引起环境问题。

    However , the release of carbon dioxide , the acidic drainage , and the dissolution of heavy metals caused by the weathering of the black shales could cause heavy environmental impacts .

  6. 黑色页岩的Re-Os同位素定年

    Re-Os Isotope Dating of Black Shales

  7. 弧前复理石至少可细分为三个巨层序,从宽阔而切割较深的粗粒水道充填物开始,而以半远洋泥灰岩(沉积于碳酸盐补偿深度CCD之上)和黑色页岩告终。

    The forearc flysch may be subdivided into at least three mega-sequences , which begin with wide and relatively deeply cut , coarse-grained channel fills and end with hemipelagic marls ( deposited above the CCD ) and dark shales .

  8. 对数正态粒度大小的分布特征表明黑色页岩中的伊利石经历了由成核→等体积转移→最终长大的Ostwald成熟效应。

    The lognormal distribution of granularity shows that such illite underwent the Ostwald ripening from nucleation through isovolume transition to growing up .

  9. 湘中HJC铀矿区黑色页岩土壤重金属污染地球化学分析

    Geochemical Study of Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils Derived from Black Shales at the HJC Uranium Mine in Central Hunan , China

  10. CIA值并不能灵敏地反映黑色页岩的化学风化程度,A-CN-K三角图解并不能完整地反映黑色页岩化学风化的整个过程。

    CIA can not reflect the degree of chemical weathering of black shales precisely , and A-CN-K diagram can not reflect chemical weathering processes of black shales completely .

  11. 部分熔融计算表明,含有0.01%硫化物的原始地幔+0.5%的外核在7%的熔融程度下,然后又被约10%的黑色页岩混染可以模拟原始岩浆的PGE含量。

    Modeling shows that a 7 % partial melt of primitive mantle containing 0.01 % of sulfides can account for the observed Os , Ir and Ru concentrations in the most primitive picrite if the melt is contaminated by 10 % of black shale en route to the surface .

  12. 黑色页岩型钒矿提钒的主导矿物

    The leading factor in extraction of vanadium from black shale-type ore

  13. 锰矿主要产于盆地中心亚相的黑色页岩夹碳酸锰矿微相内。

    The manganese deposits occur in black shale-manganese carbonate microfacies .

  14. 海相黑色页岩中一种动物型的有机显微组分

    A kind of animal maceral in marine black shale

  15. 具有丰富有机质来源的高生产力表层水是黑色页岩中富有机碳沉积物形成与埋藏的先期条件。

    High surface water productivity is of paramount importance in organic matter deposition .

  16. 黑色页岩的资源功能和环境效应

    The Resource Functions and Environment Effects of Black Shales

  17. 富有机质的黑色页岩和油页岩的有机岩石学特征与生、排烃意义

    Organic Petrological Study on Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion from Organic-rich Black Shale and Oil Shale

  18. 低品位黑色页岩镍钼矿清洁浮选新技术基础研究

    Basic Research on New Technologies of Clean Flotation of Low Grade Ni-Mo Black Shale Ore

  19. 贵州遵义黑色页岩铂族金属富集特点及富集模式

    Enrichment Features and Patterns of PGE Metals in Black Shale from Zunyi area , Guizhou Province

  20. 鄂西黑色页岩型银钒矿床的相控制

    The facies control of the black shale type of Ag and V deposit in Western Hubei

  21. 湘黔地区早寒武世黑色页岩有机碳同位素组成变化及其意义

    Composition of organic carbon isotope of Early Cambrian black shale in the Xiang-Qian area and its significances

  22. 本文研究了江西武宁奥陶系宁国组上部黑色页岩中的牙形刺。

    The conodonts studied in this paper were collected from the black shales ofthe Llanvirnian Upper Ningguo Formation .

  23. 成矿物质主要来源于盆地内黑色页岩中锰的活化与转移,矿床具有水成&碎屑成岩成因的特点。

    Metallogenic material mainly derived from the remobilization and transportation of manganese in the black shale of the basin .

  24. 中条群(2300&1830Ma)变质碳酸盐黑色页岩建造中的沉积变质-再造铜矿床。

    Meta-sedimentary-remoulded copper deposit in meta-carbonate black shale formation of the Zhongtiao Group ( 2300 & 1830 Ma ) .

  25. 华南下古生界缺氧事件与黑色页岩及有关矿产

    Anoxic event , black shales and related mineral resources : taking the lower Palaeozoic in southern China as an example

  26. 中国南方黑色页岩型钒矿的主导矿物均为含钒伊利石。

    But the leading factor in extraction of vanadium from black shale-type ore is the same , the V-bearing illite .

  27. 黑色页岩微量元素形态分析及地质意义

    Sequential Extraction of Trace Elements and the Geological Significance of Fractions in Black Shales , West Hunan and East Guizhou

  28. 晚三叠世卡尼期黑色页岩事件在龙门山地区的沉积学和古生物学响应

    Black shale event during the Late Triassic Carnian Age : Implications from sedimentary and palaeontological records in Longmen Mountains region

  29. 富有机质黑色页岩的形成长期以来被认为是缺氧沉积环境的证据,并被作为全球缺氧事件的标志。

    Black shales have been considered as a sign of anoxic depositional environments and anoxic events for a long time .

  30. 上三叠统在南、北坳陷为次深海盆地相沉积,发育一套黑色页岩烃源层;

    The Upper Triassic Formation is sub-abysmal basinal facies deposit in the south and north depressions . A black shale layer developed .