
  • 网络heilonggang region;heilonggang area
  1. 黑龙港地区有丰富的日照资源和气候条件,适于棉花栽培。

    Heilonggang area have solor radiation resource and climate condition that adapted to cotton cultivation .

  2. 农业是第一用水大户,有效利用土壤水是实现黑龙港地区农业可持续发展的关键。

    Effective use of soil water is a key for sustainable development of agriculture ( the largest water user ) in Heilonggang region .

  3. 黑龙港地区的地下水资源采补平衡与作物种植制度

    Balance Between Exploitation and Supply of Underground Water Resources and Plantin

  4. 河北省东部黑龙港地区淡水资源十分紧缺,但是这一地区地下富存大量的咸水和微咸水资源。

    However , there are lots of undeveloped shallow salt water resource in the region that are high mineralized water with poor quality .

  5. 应用该模型对河北省黑龙港地区秸秆覆盖条件下夏玉米的水热运移进行模拟。

    By these models , the simulations of water and heat transportation were performed under the full wheat straw mulch at summer corns in Heilonggang region , Hebei province .