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  1. 第二章对《齐物论》的结构进行了探讨。

    Chapter Two explores the structure of " Qi Wu Lun " .

  2. 齐克果论回归自我自我的历程

    Moving towards Abraham : Kierkegaard on Returning to Self

  3. 《齐物论》是中国哲学史上的重要文本,其英译问题同样值得重视。

    On the Equality of Things is a very important text in the history of Chinese Philosophy .

  4. 基于这一理想,庄子提出了安命论、齐物论、体道论三种超越人生困境、实现精神自由的途径,从而为后人追求自由指明了一条道路。

    To achieve this ideal , Zhuang Zi proposed three approaches to transcend life plights and obtain spiritual freedom , thus pointed a way to freedom for later generation .

  5. 在本质上,齐物论是用相对主义消解事物之间的差别,最终确立一种态度:让心从物的纷扰和是非争论中摆脱出来,实现逍遥。

    In essence , The Equality of things applies relativism to blur the difference of things to establish an attitude : let mind free from dispute and things and become unconcerned .

  6. 在流亡日本期间,除了忙于政事之外,他还致力于研究并为留日青年学生讲授《庄子》,先后撰成了《庄子解故》和《齐物论释》等论著。

    While living in exile in Japan , Zhang Taiyan devoted himself to the study of Zhuangzi and gave lectures about the philosopher to chinese students in Japan besides participating in politics .

  7. 这种出世态度的哲学基础是相对主义,即“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一”的齐物论。庄子认为世界上的万物都是没差别的,齐一的。

    The philosophical basis of this aloofness is reiativism , that is , in his own words , " The universe and I came into being together ; I and everything therein are One . "

  8. 庄子抓住了“道”的玄学精髓,他说:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。”(《庄子•齐物论》)

    Zhuangzi made a claim that captures the metaphysics of Dao : " Heaven , Earth and I come into being together , and all things and I are one . "( On the equality of things )

  9. 齐默说进化论令他心醉神迷,因为它解释了从35亿年前至今所有生命形式的产生和演变。

    Zimmer said that the theory of evolution fascinates him , because it explains how all forms of life emerge and develop , from 3.5 billion years ago to today .