- abbr.attenuation, attenuator 稀薄化衰减器

In order to satisfy the needs of customers , the enterprise begins to pay atten to the rational allocation of resources .
Electronic Medical Records ( EMR ) as the foundation of modern health care system gathered a lot of atten - tions .
The game quality of football is the basis of establishing league brand and improving the amounts of spectator atten - dance .
The paper introduces how rural credit office services to rural economy , and points out the problems should be paid atten - tion to during the service process .
The development trend now is to think much of system rationality , to pay atten tion to the effect and investment re-turn and gradually develop from Paris area to other provinces .
This paper mainly introduces the designing plan of construction of computer network system in communication institutes , and proposes some thoughts about the problems should be paid atten - tion to in construction of computer network .
Mathematical Cultural quality education was raised in the ancient Greece , We should pay more atten - tion to the effect made by mathematical spirits 、 thoughts 、 methods and beauty in present mathematical education .
The Seismological Office of Longhai County , Fujian Province has devoted much atten - tion to the popularization of elementary knowledge of seismology for many years and has obtained good social results .
The study of sports theory should pay atten - tion to the new practice and new development , make foreign things serve China , make the past serve the present and weed through the old to bring forth the new ;
This paper pays atten - tion to the distinguishing characterise that this mechanism has a permanent ring magnet , presents simpler method of calculation for the magnetic circuit , and then makes a dynamic analysis of the impact print element .
A discussion is made on replacing main deck and deck between hatches , and repair off deck in its length and breadth , a conclusion is also given to experiences of such repairs and problems to be paid atten - tion to for colleagues , reference .