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  1. Many hospitals in the region lack basic equipment , says Tulane University virus expert Dr. Daniel Bausch .


  2. Schwartz intends to spread this message even further by offering a master 's degree in sustainable real estate development at Tulane .


  3. This is true , but the Michigan State / Tulane research shows that cheaters often prosper .


  4. The Modern Renascence of Tradition & Unscramble the design of Mayer residences of Tulane University


  5. In his speech , former President Bush hailed the perseverance and dedication of the Tulane students and the city in general .


  6. New Orleans has something of a holy trinity , says Kenneth Schwartz , dean of Tulane University 's architecture school .


  7. But maybe the kids who got into Yale were simply more talented or hardworking than those who got into Tulane .


  8. It 's going to change ocean circulation , " says co-author Torbjorn Tornqvist , an Earth scientist at Tulane University in Louisiana .


  9. Departments of a Community Health Sciences and d Biostatistics , School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana ;


  10. Schwartz wants to use architecture as a jumping-off point to launch green initiatives , using Tulane 's buildings as an example for the rest of the city .


  11. Fastow has also spoken at Tufts , Tulane , and Dartmouth and is scheduled to address a United Nations group in the fall .


  12. Many of the same parasitoids are also widespread in agricultural areas , says co-author Lee Dyer of Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , United States .


  13. This year , with M & A activity booming around the world , the organisers of the conference , backed by Tulane University , were braced for the best attendance ever .


  14. While attending Tulane University , Sykes started his entrepreneur career by regularly trading penny stocks and turning the $ 12,415 he received in his Bar Mitzvah into $ 2 million .


  15. Besides , the book , The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane , read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while .


  16. Many nutritionists and health authorities have " actively advised against " low-carbohydrate diets , said the lead author of the new study , Dr. Lydia A. Bazzano of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine .


  17. " The war clubs are clear symbols not only of combat but of power ," said John Verano , an anthropologist at Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , who is part of the research team .


  18. The Vampire Diaries : In The Originals backdoor pilot ( Episode 20 this season ), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille , a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans .


  19. A research led by Dr JM Barry from Tulane and Xavier Universities , Louisiana , highlighted how the First Wave of the Spanish Flu was characterized by a high number of cases , but had a lower fatality rate than the Second Wave .


  20. And you 'll be drunk , most of the time . So the Tulane class of 2009 , I say congratulations and if you don 't remember a thing I said today , remember this : you 're gonna be ok , dun-doom-doom-doom-doom , just dance .


  21. We have been working since March , shoulders against the wheel , to be ready to roll these out in quantities that would make a difference in the outbreak , said Dr. Robert Garry , a professor of microbiology at the Tulane University School of Medicine .


  22. Besides , the book , The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane , read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while 。 The two TV programs have several common elements : a tall , handsome , and rich hero who loves the heroine blindly and always protects her ,
