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brush aside

美 [brʌʃ əˈsaɪd]英 [brʌʃ əˈsaɪd]
  • 漠视;不顾;不理会
brush asidebrush aside

brush aside


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 不理会;不顾;漠视
    If you brush aside or brush away an idea, remark, or feeling, you refuse to consider it because you think it is not important or useful, even though it may be.

    Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily...



bar from attention or consideration
She dismissed his advances
Synonym: dismiss disregard brush off discount push aside ignore


  1. I saw him ( Kennedy ) brush aside the doubts and point this nation toward great adventure .


  2. An attempt by the boss to brush aside the rules failed .


  3. Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings


  4. We have to brush aside many of our own ideas for the good of the whole .


  5. Let 's brush aside for a moment the question of how to advance society in general .


  6. Stay firmly committed to what you know and brush aside uncomfortable ideas .


  7. Great tooth , can you brush aside someone to slice off the lip ?


  8. The synthesis does not brush aside the special importance in the differentiation , but assigns a new significance to the differentiation on a different basis .


  9. Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb .


  10. Such obligations will become increasingly difficult for Facebook to brush aside in light of the controversy generated by its role in the spread of misinformation .


  11. China will continue to brush aside Japan 's longstanding complaints about the secretiveness of China 's armed forces and the big annual increases in its budget .


  12. If you want to go further , you have to brush aside all obstacles . The chemical that we poured down the drain unclogged it .


  13. As flattening theory came from the area of business management in the west countries , only we can do is to brush aside the veil of its formal to probe its nature .


  14. Let the " big you " brush aside the " little you " . Visualize the " big you " wielding a big broom and doing just that .


  15. The article theorizes on how to brush aside all sorts of factors detrimental to creative thinking in PE science research , establish correct views on thought and how to grasp an accurate and creative way of thinking .


  16. The prospect of further stimulus measures from the European Central Bank this week helped equity bulls brush aside steep falls for Chinese stocks , renewed weakness for oil and copper prices and uncertainties about the forthcoming Greek election .


  17. It shows to hope to brush aside the backward action of control floodwater . Through implementing this modern general plan for regulating rivers and watercourses of flood management it will be made a contribution to implement the harmony of human and water .


  18. Mr. Bradley 's doubts tell a story about the fog of war , the efforts of a son to memorialize his father and the apparent willingness of the Marines to at first brush aside questions about one of their most historic moments .


  19. We cannot brush them aside and ignore them .


  20. James made some adverse criticisms of the plan but I was able to brush them aside .


  21. He said some businessmen detest his vainglory ; others brush it aside .


  22. Other than that whatever else is said by others you just have to brush it aside , believe in yourself and stay positive .


  23. While this was a non-binding poll , WPP should not brush it aside .


  24. Because researchers at Georgia Tech have found that the bugs are so light , speeding water drops simply brush them aside , without imparting much force .


  25. Don 't battle against hate , don 't say how terrible it is to hate people , but see hate for what it is and let it drop away ; brush it aside , it is not important .


  26. This is how we will be able to maintain our initiative from beginning to end , and as for the enemy 's " challenges " and other people 's " taunts ", we should imperturbably brush them aside and ignore them .


  27. Perhaps you shouldn 't brush the idea aside too hastily


  28. Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish , or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty , low academic achievement , and high dropout rates , think again .


  29. You can 't brush your difficulties aside in that easy manner .


  30. She asked me to brush the snow aside .
