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  • 网络商业;步西尼
  1. It is reasonable that you can get higher payment in the busine field than in the teaching field .


  2. A period of reduced busine activity .


  3. A where is the busine centre in the hotel ?


  4. We operate a quality retail busine and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods .


  5. We 'll try our best to widen our busine relatio hip with you .


  6. The busine has been sustained and grown by virtue of a management culture which is constantly evolving as its clients'and customers'needs change .


  7. Two reaso justify this simplicity in busine writings .


  8. The Bank also maintains a branch in Shenzhen for foreign currency wholesale busine , branches in Macau and Singapore , and representative offices in Xiamen and Taipei .


  9. Without some form of money in circulation , the range of goods and services available to us would be co iderably reduced and busine tra actio would be difficult to carry on .


  10. Last night 's action is in protest agai ta proposal to cut overtime allowances by up to16 per cent in the wake of falling busine due to the economic downturn .


  11. Although it may be hard to know whether a busine will succeed , there will always be a need for a variety of goods and services and busine es to su ly them .


  12. Sixth , the segregation of banking busine from securities and I urance busine has contributed to the stability of the financial system in a tra ition period characterized by ma ive I tiutional changes , inadequate regulatory resources and I ufficient self-discipline .
