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  • abbr.China中国;cyclohexanone 环己酮
  • n.【体】全国马术比赛
  1. Research on an Automatic Bone Maturation Evaluation Method Based on CHN


  2. The commonly used method in our country is CHN .


  3. Assessment of Bone Age by CHN Scoring Method for Chinese Children Using a Computer-aided System


  4. Basing on the CHN regulation , recognition and extraction method is proposed with computer technique .


  5. Normal electrocardiogram and influence factors in CHN inbred strain rats


  6. Preparation methods and processing of CHN films


  7. Direct determination of element carbon in the atmospheric aerosols by CHN elemental analyzer


  8. Evaluating CHN product offerings and customer experience .


  9. The Standards of Skeletal Development of Hand and Wrist for Chiness & CHN Method


  10. Pilot Research on the Estimating Skeletal Age of the Female Children in Nanjing by CHN Scoring Method


  11. Therefore they named the disease Chinese herbs nephropathy ( CHN ), which is obviously inappropriate .


  12. Determination of inorganic nitrogen and carbon by Heraeus CHN element analyzer and its uses in the samples analysis


  13. Preparation of the CHN Film


  14. It was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction , inductively coupled plasma , elemental analysis ( CHN ), and thermogravimetric analysis .


  15. New PNP ligands were synthesized and characterized by means of1H NMR , EI-MS and CHN elemental analysis .


  16. The standards of estimating skeletal maturity of the hand and wrist for Chinese CHN scoring method were applied to assess the bone age of Chinese children .


  17. The computer-aided skeletal age score system is a system disposing hand-wrist photography , namely , to analysis a hand-wrist photography based on the CHN method .


  18. Taking note of the Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China in document WT / ACC / CHN / 49 (" Working Party Report ")


  19. As a result of the exclusion of the six bones which were variable in great degree and difficult to rate , CHN method became more simple and easy to learn .


  20. This system is still based on The Standard of Estimating Skeletal Maturity for Chinese ( Method of CHN Scoring ), uses the digitized'image substitution tradion X light film .


  21. The CHN method deal with fourteen bones of hand-wrist , so firstly we need to segment each bone from whole image , namely to locate the bones .


  22. Methods : LOU / CN fetal hepatocytes were injected intraperitoneally into the fetus of pregnant CHN rats at day 14 to 16 of gestation .


  23. Objective To study the accurate of Li Guozhen ′ s Percent Numeration and the Development Standard of Chinese Wrist Bone CHN Numeration of age estimation in14-year-old females .


  24. Based on a great deal of etiological research , scholars in our country alleged it should be named by " Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy "( AAN ) rather than CHN .


  25. So the imaging quality will be degraded . In this paper , the mutual effect of relaxation processes of 13C and 1H in a CHn group is studied theoretically and experimentally .


  26. As compared with the previous CHN , the RUS-CHN new standards produced lesser number of young athletes whose differences between skeletal age and chronological age were equal to or more than 2 years .


  27. We analyzed 01 / CVB5 / SD / CHN / 09 ( CVB5 / 09 ) in a more detail .


  28. This paper introduces the equation of strength of the ordinary concrete under the new cement standard-Method of Testing Cements-Determination of Strength of CHN , which is established by adopting materials of North Hunan area .


  29. The influence of extractant , temperature , concentration and repetitions on the mesostructure and the removal yield of the template were studied and optimized by XRD , FT-IR , CHN element analysis and N2 adsorption techniques .


  30. Members of the Working Party noted that China 's notification of laws , regulations and other SPS measures , referred to in the Draft Protocol , was provided in document WT / ACC / CHN / 33 .
