
美 [ˌklaɪməˈtɑːlədʒist]英 [ˌklaɪməˈtɒlədʒist]
  • n.气候学家

复数: climatologists




  • 1
    N-COUNT 气候学家
    A climatologist is someone who studies climates.


someone who is expert in climatology


  1. The climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world .


  2. In these several decades , most oceangrapher and climatologist pay more and more attention to global variance of the ocean and atmosphere .


  3. Appropriate to contact climatologists or weather experts and report their views on likely trends .


  4. Professor Qin is an internationally renowned climatologist and expert on global change .


  5. There is only one option , I 'll repeat to you , only one option left to climatologists and scientists ,


  6. Writing in Nature , five climatologists make recommendations for the future of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) .


  7. Thus , many climatologists have made further investigations in terms of climatic models and found significant correlation between paleoclimatic records and orbital parameter variations .


  8. Climatologists have recently learnt the hard way that they must address criticism head on , accepting and rectifying any major mistakes and deficiencies .


  9. Confirming with satellite data what Inuit had been reporting anecdotally , its findings shocked climatologists and governments .


  10. Some climatologists predict that South Africa , which has been producing wine for well over 300 years , will remain relatively unaffected by climate change .


  11. Climatologists have been tracing an EL nino , a usually warm Pacific ocean current that occurs periodically and often causes catastrophic weather condition .


  12. The underlying cause is believed by all but a handful of climatologists to be global warming brought about by greenhouse-gas emissions .


  13. Thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are all right ?


  14. We aren 't seeing widespread failure yet , but it sure is developing rapidly , said Brian Fuchs , climatologist at the National Drought Mitigation Centre .


  15. Their finding corresponds with previous work by Ding Yihui , a leading Chinese climatologist , on changes in China 's rainfall pattern in the late1960s .


  16. For example , an overwhelming majority of climatologists believe that average global temperatures have risen compared to pre-1800s levels and that human activity is a significant factor in this .


  17. William Patzert , a climatologist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , says the combination of dry heat and strong winds , create the ideal conditions for wild fires .


  18. Australia appears to be suffering an accelerated greenhouse effect , with the pace of global warming faster across the country than in other parts of the world , climatologists said on wednesday .


  19. Sceptics sometimes seem to draw comfort from this natural variability but , to a climatologist with a sense of history , the wild swings in the past are anything but comforting .


  20. Millions of people in Africa 's Sahel region depend on the West African monsoon to irrigate their agricultural land , but climatologists are unable to say with much accuracy when the rains will come .


  21. There are disagreements over this , but one possibility that has been suggested is that the water cycle might speed up ," said climatologist Claire Parkinson , lead scientist on NASA 's Aqua Project . "


  22. In order to provide sufficient support for regional planning and management of water resource , climatologists should focus more on investigation of atmospheric water resource , monitoring and prediction of atmospheric water resource and invention of institutions in the coming decade .


  23. Researchers led by climatologist Alan Robock of Rutgers University in New Brunswick , New Jersey , ran scenarios that featured eruptions producing up to several times more sulfur dioxide than Toba .


  24. Or has global warming been spun into an " alarmist gale ," as Richard Lindzen , a climatologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal oped article ?
