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  • 网络被测对象;大学技术学院;法国大学科技学院;技术学院;大学科技学院
  1. The original test theory for the communication protocol test models the implementation under test ( IUT ) as a black box .


  2. Controllability is the capability of the test system to force the Implementation Under Test ( IUT ) to receive inputs in a given order .


  3. Although the safety still noticeable , the system theory and the ethics provide good instructions for us to make use of the IUT correctly and properly .


  4. Observability is the capability of the test system to observe the output of the IUT and to determine which input triggers the particular output .


  5. Passive testing is done by passively observing the inputs and outputs of the IUT without interrupting the normal operation of the networks , which is especially applicable to locating the system faults of running networks .


  6. If even for one or two times , iut would 've been good to see the Lakers make the Celtics react to them , rather than the Lakers reacting to an otherwise still Celtic defense .


  7. The methods of IUT ( in utero therapy ) have developed greatly in the last few years , it has reduced the harm of vicious fetus that to the society and family as maximum as possible .


  8. After reviewing the development of the related research work , this paper discusses the quality characteristics requirement of implementation under testing ( IUT ) of SA , defines the testing criteria and develops a set of calculating rules of the testing criteria , then a CASE tool is built .
