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  1. Insurance Regulation by Law nder New Situation


  2. Mathematical Models of Economic Order Quantity ú nder Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments


  3. Wolfowitz will have the chance to see how the Nder washing station operates .


  4. Nder 0 ~ 10 ℃ low temperature stress , mefluidide can protect corn from chilling .


  5. In this paper , the research on filtration has indicated that it can improve the plasticity and toughness ' nder of stainless steel .


  6. Carsten Voigtl ä nder , chief executive , says this means Vaillant can think about new forms of service based on big data .


  7. Nder some cases , similar design of element can be used in production practice , which makes complicated problems become simple and gets the requirement and simplifies machining .


  8. Just last year , workers at Nder washed up to400 tons of coffee and exported up to80 tons .


  9. Another family sent their child to an SAT boot camp u nder the guise that they were going on vacation to Korea , Wang said .


  10. Among the parameters of constructing the functional image , the area nder the curve functional image was the ideal and best in which could be avoided the false element and mosaic .


  11. We are now in an aging society , nder the impact of the aging of the population , that how to maintain the old-age insurance fund balance is an important problem we should face .


  12. Beijing has now set the bar very high , said Dr. Bernhard Schwartl & # 228 ; nder , the W.H.O. representative in China , in a statement .


  13. However nder relatively inconvenient conditions , people of western Henan province in the history started early to explore effective experience of accumulation of water resources development and utilization , and build a large number of water conservancy facilities .


  14. Academician Kang Feng , the fou - nder of Chinese computational mathematics , put forward the symplectic geometric algorithm systemically which preserves symplectic structure of the Hamiltonian system in 1984 .


  15. Wenige Tage sp ä ter greift die t ö dliche Virusepidemie auf die Nachbarl ä nder Sierra Leone und Liberia ü ber .


  16. Below are the conclusions : ① U nder the situation that the natural period is not long , the control effect to the structure is well when the slosh frequency the liquid in TLD is closed to the first natural frequency of the structure .


  17. Nder the bubble diagrams approximation , the nucleon-nucleon ( NN ) interaction for Quantum Hadrodynamics Two ( QHD - ⅱ) model is given . It 's found that the NN interaction given by QHD - ⅱ model is in good agreement with that of naive nuclear theory .
