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  1. Mr. Mattson of Maxthon says integrated features are more convenient for users .


  2. Getting backup for your position from a trusted source gives you extra credibility , Mattson says .


  3. Aggregate statistics never tell the whole story , " Mattson points out . "


  4. Mattson recommends repeating your idea six times before presenting it to decision-makers .


  5. Finding a charity , professional organization , or community group that could use your help does three good things , Mattson says .


  6. When you do meet , mention that you aren 't always available to reply right away , Mattson suggests .


  7. For you , and for those folks , Mattson offers 10 ways of putting an idea across so that the right people will listen .


  8. First , state the problem : I 've noticed there 's an issue with X. Advises Mattson , Keep it short and concise .


  9. " Finding work is your job now , so treat it the way you 've treated other professional challenges in the past ," Mattson advises .


  10. Describe the errors in terms of the department or the team , and ask whether there 's anything you can do to help prevent any more mistakes , Mattson says .


  11. Ask everyone you meet how you can help them . It 's easy to overlook the fact that you might have contacts and information that could be useful to someone else , notes Mattson .


  12. Mark Mattson , a researcher at the National Institute on Aging , says that reducing the amount of calories fed to older rats and mice by30 percent has helped enhance learning and memory .


  13. Linda Kelly Sherry Bane Mickie Mattson


  14. If you only do these little things once a year leading up to evaluation time , it 'll be really hard , you 'll take everything too personally , and you 'll hate it , Mattson points out .


  15. Most people are starved for praise and recognition , Mattson notes , and making it a habit to notice a task well done will make people more likely to listen to you when it 's your turn .


  16. Mattson , a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates , specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work .


  17. If you really make it a priority to build a good rapport with this boss , and help him save face with higher-ups , who knows , you might even decide to stay beyond the next 18 months , Mattson says .


  18. That 's unfortunate , says Jayne Mattson , a senior vice president and executive coach at Boston-based career development firm Keystone Associates , because a little honest communication might go a long way toward fixing at least some of what bugs you .


  19. Notice , if you will , that none of these requires being pushy , arrogant , or otherwise jerky quite the opposite , in fact but selling oneself does call for reinforcement , Mattson says , which can only come with time .


  20. Notice , if you will , that none of these requires being pushy , arrogant , or otherwise jerky -- quite the opposite , in fact -- but selling oneself does call for " reinforcement , " Mattson says , " which can only come with time . "
