- 网络电磁阀;语序;眼上静脉;主宾谓;主宾谓结构

On MRI , same signs as seen on CT were demonstrated . MRA stereoscopically displayed the engorged SOV and its fistula ( 2 / 3 ) .
However , the SOV of the system are closely related to control structures and control strategies .
Chinese is a SVO type language and has an increasing trend of SOV type .
The Comparison of Xining Dialect SOV Sentences with the Altai Language Grammar
Objective Forms in SOV Simple Sentences in Tangut
By comparison , those SOV languages usually have a rich morphological system and their word orders are relatively free .
On Derivations of SOV in English and Chinese
Altaic basic word order is SOV .
In 1 case with thrombophlebitis , its SOV showed dilated superior ophthalmic vein without blood flow .
SVO is actually a derivation of the base - generated SOV , motivated by Checking Theory .
The basic word order in sentences of Qiang 's language is SOV , and is almost harmonious between phrase level and sentence level .
From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .
SOV was better in natural estrous ewes than induced estrous and unknown estrous cycle ewes .
Most languages in the world can be classified into these three word order types : VSO , SVO , SOV .
Although the word order of Japanese includes both SOV and SVO , SOV is generally believed to be the major word order .
Expression of PRL-3 Phosphatase in Human Colorectal Carcinomas and Effects of Its Inhibitor SoV on Cellular Proliferation , Cell Cycle and Motility
The occlusion of CCF and false aneurysm were performed via SOV or SOV + artery access with good effect in 28 cases .
The dynamic findings of the SOV rendered by B-ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonic play an important role in the diagnosis of carotid-cavernous fistula .
Chinese non-marked OSV order is similar to SOV order and it mainly depends on meaning to confirm the relation between S and O.
Ghostcrawler : I am not aware of any change to the damage of SoV / C in3.3 .
In terms of basic word order in clauses , SVO is a dominant type but not the only type then , with SOV order attested too .
A common performance index in stochastic control field is that the steady output variances ( SOV ) of the closed-loop system are less than a set of specified upper bounds .
Results : 5 of 49 cases were drained by isolateral superior ophthalmic vein ( SOV ) and the others by two or more veins .
Cross-linguistically , the two commonest word orders are SVO and SOV , which account for approximately 90 % of all the languages in the world .
In SOV and SVO sentence patterns , the members of sentence are the same , but the construction of word order is not , displaying different structural features and sequence of words .
A further development of this situation might lead to a typological shift from STV to SOV , but so far no single dialect of Wu has completed such a shift .
A solid sov sauce of beef flavour is prepared by employing the oxidied beef fat , soy sauce and the sulfur-containing compouds and Maillard reactions .
Korean is a language with the structure of SOV , which is considered relatively free from the order . But researchers widely consider that this kind of free order is not unlimited , instead , it is restricted by some factors .
The harmonious word order of " N_1 + ( marker ) + N_2 " in human language is divided into two : SOV the modifier + headword ; SVO headword + modifier .
There two kinds of VP ( SV and VO ) in Chinese , it keeps unanimous with SVO . The basic word order in sentences of Qiang 's language is SOV , and is almost harmonious between phrase level and sentence level .