
  • A good person;Mr.Nice Guy
  1. 据大家所说,他真的是一个好人。

    From all accounts , he 's a really nice guy .

  2. 也不能让马修抛弃妻子玛丽小姐(LadyMary),比如说出国,因为这样一个好人不会那样做。

    Having Matthew abandon his wife , Lady Mary , and , say , leave the country , would have been out of character for such a nice man .

  3. 住在简陋房屋中的纽约居民希尔斯(AntoneHills)对美联社(AssociatedPress)表示,他认为陈光标是一个好人,在向美国提供帮助。

    I think he 's a good guy and he 's helping our country , ' Antone Hills , a shelter resident , told the Associated Press .

  4. 你为什么就不能让我做一个好人?

    Why can 't you just let mebe a good person ?

  5. 我还以为是一个好人坐在这里祈祷。

    I thought a good guy is sitting here and praying .

  6. 这就是我知道你是一个好人的原因。

    That is why I know you have a good heart .

  7. “你是一个好人。”所有的车夫都赞美道。

    " You 're a good man ," chorused the drivers .

  8. 你看,他是一个好人。

    He 's kind of a great guy , you know .

  9. 除了亚当,因为他是一个好人。

    All except Adam , because he is a good man .

  10. 我生下来就只是一个好人!

    I 'm the one born to be a good man .

  11. 他们需要一个好人和一个坏人。

    They need a good guy and a bad guy .

  12. 我想我不是一个好人!

    I think I might not have been the best of men !

  13. 我爸爸妈妈说老霍是一个好人!

    My parents said Greg is a very nice guy !

  14. 一个好人,他是现在这支球队的代表。

    A great guy and the identity of this franchise right now .

  15. 可以看出,你是一个好人。

    It 's perceptible that you are a good man .

  16. 毫无疑问,他是一个好人。

    He 's a nice person , to be sure .

  17. 他是一个好人,是一位伟大的总统。

    He is a good man and he is a great president .

  18. 一个好人的祈祷如同用黄金作酬谢

    " A good man 's prayers are golden recompense !"

  19. 像你这样的一个好人怎么会变成那样。

    How a nice man like you became like this .

  20. 你也想做一个好人,是吗?

    You like being a good person too , right ?

  21. 他是一个好人,可是仍有许多缺点。

    He is a good man , but he has many shortcomings .

  22. 姚,你是个优秀的球员和一个好人。

    You have been a great player and human being .

  23. 莱斯特,我是一个好人。

    Manager : I 'm one of the good guys , Les .

  24. 不仅仅相信耶稣是一个好人。

    Not just believe that He was a good man .

  25. 难道成为一个好人的满足。

    Are not the satisfactions of being a good man .

  26. 我在极力做一个好人。

    Look , I 'm trying to be a better person here .

  27. 我知道你是一个好人

    I knew you were gonna be a good guy .

  28. 他是一个好人,他的确是这样。

    He 's one of good guys he really is .

  29. 他可能是鞑靼,但他是一个好人。

    He may be a tatar , but he is a good man .

  30. 一个好人,但不太聪明。

    A good fellow , but not very intelligent .