
yī xiàn xī wàng
  • a ray of hope;glimmer of hope;silver lining
一线希望[yī xiàn xī wàng]
  1. 在普遍的商业和经济低潮中,他们能带来一线希望。

    They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom

  2. 有一线希望。

    There is a ray of hope .

  3. 只有一线希望。

    There was just one small ray of hope .

  4. 他们仍然有一线希望能把她活着找到。

    There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive .

  5. 她扫视着人群,抱着一线希望看是否有熟人。

    She scanned the crowd on the off chance of seeing someone she knew .

  6. 仍有一线希望。

    There is still a glimmer of hope .

  7. 两人之间不够稳固的联合给了人们一线希望。

    The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope

  8. 吉尔问:“威廉还有一线希望过上正常的生活吗?”

    ' Isn 't there some chance that William might lead a normal life ? ' asked Jill

  9. 没有一线希望了。

    There is no gleam of hope .

  10. 我注视她,感到了一线希望。

    I looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope .

  11. 他还抱着一线希望,希望她能收到他的消息。

    He was8 hoping against hope that his message would9 reach10 her .

  12. 没有人相信他们能做成这件事情,但我对此仍抱有一线希望。

    No one believes11 that they can do it – but I 'm still hoping against hope that they can .

  13. 给我一线希望的是,一旦通过这些考试,我就自动被大学录取了。

    The light at the end of the tunnel is that once I pass my tests , I automatically1 get accepted into university .

  14. 第二天,辗转难眠了一晚上的哼哼和唧唧早早地离开家又回到奶酪C站,不管怎样,他们抱着一线希望,他们不断地欺骗自己,假定昨天走错了地方,他们仍然希望找回他们的奶酪。

    The next day Hem and Haw left their homes , and returned to Cheese Station C again , where they still expected , somehow , to find their Cheese .

  15. 这次胜利也许让Facebook看到了进军中国市场的一线希望,目前其社交网站在中国还无法访问。

    The victory may offer a glimmer of hope for Facebook Inc in China , where its social network is not accessible .

  16. 据BBC新闻的AnbarasanEthirajan报道,在幸存者被困的地方还有一线希望。

    The BBC 's Anbarasan Ethirajan reports there was one glimmer of hope when survivors were located .

  17. 本周一,印度迎来了本国历史(History)上首枚个人项目(program)奥运金牌,举国民众不敢相信,却为之欢欣鼓舞&同一时间也为打破板球运动独霸印度的局面带来一线希望(hope)。

    India 's first ever individual Olympic gold medal won on Monday was greeted at home with disbelief and joy & as well as renewed hope the country could break with its total obsession with cricket .

  18. 当我们不知道建立一个什么样的可视化模型时,UML(统一建模语言)给我们带来了一线希望。

    When we do not know what to do with the parallel visual model , UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) give us a flash of hope .

  19. 有些人虽然感染了HIV病毒,但身体仍然健康,并能遏制病毒的扩散,他们为研制有效的HIV疫苗带来了一线希望。

    Individuals who are infected with HIV but remain healthy and keep viral replication in check may offer some hope for guiding the design of an effective HIV vaccine .

  20. 美国国务卿约翰克里(johnkerry)认为,通过谈判来终结叙利亚的血腥内战仍有一线希望。

    John Kerry , US Secretary of state , believes there may be a window of opportunity for a negotiated solution to the bloody civil war in Syria .

  21. 但是卡耐基中东问题中心主任PaulSalem则认为,成功还是有一线希望的。

    But some , like Paul Salem , the director of the Carnegie Middle East Center , offers a glimmer of hope the talks could succeed .

  22. 败诉的后果对htc来说将是惨重的,因为该公司一半的收入都来自美国但也许还有一线希望。

    The consequences of losing the lawsuit would be dire for HTC half of its revenues come from the US but there may be a silver lining .

  23. Maloney说,摩加迪沙还有一线希望,这里的灾民可以获得人道主义组织的帮助。

    Maloney says there is some hope for Mogadishu , where displaced people are within the reach of humanitarian organizations who are expanding their efforts on the ground .

  24. 本文介绍Web2.0及其支持技术的出现如何通过减少业务分析人员在构建和管理流程模型时对其IT对等项的依赖性,为这一长期存在争议的问题带来了一线希望。

    This article describes how the advent of Web 2.0 and its enabling technology have created a ray of hope in this ever-disputed matter by reducing the dependency of the business analyst in building and managing the process models on their IT counterparts .

  25. 来自华盛顿的珍·H(JenH)写道:“在患者已经万念俱灰的时候,他带来的一线希望是无价之宝。”还有人称,冈萨雷斯博士曾亲笔写信给他,解释他为何无法治疗他即将死去的父亲。

    Jen H. from Washington wrote : " The hope he provided to his patients when all hope had been removed was and is invaluable . " Another person wrote that Dr. Gonzalez had sent him a hand-written note explaining why he would not be able to treat the writer 's dying father .

  26. 一瞬间,她感到一线希望。

    For a moment , she felt a spark of hope .

  27. 我们仍然对我们会被录取抱有一线希望。

    We were hoping against hoping that we would be enrolled .

  28. 她对她能及时到达仍存一线希望。

    She was hoping against hope she would arrive in time .

  29. 劳拉:你不就是我的一线希望嘛?

    Laura : Aren 't you a little spot of sunshine ?

  30. 我本来想让这本书结束的时候给人一线希望。

    I wished so to end on a note of hope .