
  • 网络Unary cubic equation;cubic equation with one unknown
  1. 拐点和一元三次方程的求根公式

    Inflection Point and the Formula of Extracting Roots on Cubic Equation

  2. 基于一元三次方程求解的地心坐标至大地坐标的严密变换

    A Rigorous Conversion from Geocentric to Geodetic Coordinates Based on the Solution to Univariate Cubic Equation

  3. 介绍了一元三次方程一般式化为标准式的方法,结合图形给出了标准式的实数根的分布情况,从而解决了任意一元三次方程的实数根的分布的问题。

    The method that simple cubic equation was changed from general to standard was introduced and the distribution of standardized real root was illustrated , which solved the problem of the distribution of any real root for simple cubic equation .

  4. 基于一元三次方程的求解,给出了地心坐标向大地坐标转换的严密计算公式,并用算例说明了其正确性。筑路工程土方量计算严密公式

    Based on the solution to univariate cubic equation , this paper puts forward a rigorous coordinate conversion method from geocentric system to geodetic system . The Rigour Calculation Formulation of the Quantity of Earthwork About the Project of Building Road

  5. 水文缆道主索设计的难点在于计算主索加载拉力,需要求解一元三次方程,通常是采用手工试错的计算方法来求解,计算工作量非常大,且繁琐。

    It is a thorny matter in designing of hydrological cableway to calculate loading tension of main cable through deviation of cubic equations of one variable , which only to be undertaken by large quantity of manual examinations and calculations .

  6. 对于三层框架,通过求解一个一元三次代数方程,得到各柱柱端的转动约束。进而由传统公式或规范附表得到各柱的计算长度系数值。

    A quadratic equation with one variable for two-story frames and a cubic equation with one variable for three-story frames are derived from which the rotational restraint provided to each column may be solved and the effective length factors can then be determined by the traditional formula or tables .

  7. 可以解一元二次,一元三次方程组。

    Possible solutions to the quadratic , cubic equations .