
chū bìn
  • hold a funeral procession;carry a coffin to the cemetery
出殡 [chū bìn]
  • [carry a coffin to the cemetery;hold a funeral procession] 移棺至墓葬地或殡仪馆舍

出殡[chū bìn]
  1. n.葬礼adj.丧葬的,出殡的很多朋友参加了老妇人的葬礼。

    funeral Many friends attended the old lady 's funeral .

  2. 送他出殡时,他的灵车跟在其他车子后面。

    At his funeral , his hearse followed the other cars .

  3. 但他们没有通知她回来出殡。

    But they couldn 't contact her for the funeral .

  4. 今天是我出殡的日子。

    It was the day of my funeral .

  5. 精心装饰的出殡汽车沿街排列着。

    Elaborate funeral cars stood along the curb .

  6. (出殡时的)扶棺者,护柩者今天这场葬礼的抬棺员人数不够。

    pallbearer ( n. ) There aren 't enough pallbearers for today 's service .

  7. 据悉,老人出殡当天,近千村民几乎全部出动,对老人表达心意。

    Close to one thousand villagers attended his funeral to show their gratitude to him .

  8. 编制殡葬设施布局规划的思考及体会出殡队伍,葬礼的行列


  9. 三眼铳,在农村也叫神枪,死人后出殡用的礼炮。

    Three eye blunderbuss , named God Gun in country , salute used in funeral .

  10. 出殡那天的早晨,我到纽约去找迈耶-沃尔夫山姆。

    The morning of the funeral I went up to New York to see Meyer Wolfshiem ;

  11. 于是,他们乱哄哄地走了出去,仿佛是一个零零落落的出殡行列。

    So they go out in a loose procession something after the manner of a straggling funeral .

  12. 这些法律为了保持各个社会阶级不同,强制规定了在所有事物上的消费,从流行服饰到葬礼出殡。

    These laws dictated spending for everything from fashion to funerals in order to keep the classes distinct .

  13. 有一次,利瓦伊·科芬运送的逃亡黑奴实在太多,他就把他们装扮成出殡队伍。

    On one occasion , Levi Coffin was transporting so many runaway slaves that he disguised them as a funeral procession .

  14. 当启明燃灭了光辉,我们在隐暗的生命之河上为自己的青春出殡。

    We are holding a funeral procession of our youth along on the shady river while the phosphor burned out the blaze .

  15. 这些野兽之后又由一组12人的数字石,代表出殡已故皇帝。

    These beasts are followed in turn by a group of12 stone human figures , which represent the funeral cortege of the deceased emperors .

  16. 在爸出殡的那天,我似乎没觉得这么远,或者是因为那天人多;

    It hadn 't seemed nearly so far the day we buried Papa , perhaps because a lot of people had gone with us .

  17. 我们为什么听到有人诞生就欢喜,看到有人出殡就悲伤呢?因为诞生的和死亡的都是别人。

    Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral ? It is because we are not the person involved .

  18. 希刺克厉夫先生说他看不出来这地方有什么事需要我,可是如果我愿意的话,也可以留下来,安排出殡的事。

    Mr Heathcliff said he did not perceive that I was wanted ; but I might stay and order the arrangements for the funeral , if I chose .

  19. 一列出殡送葬车队恰巧经过那里,其中一位朋友脱去帽子放在胸前,直到车队通过后才戴上帽子。

    a funeral cortege drove by and one of the two friends took off his hat and held it over his heart until the line of cars had passed .

  20. 古宅最后的主人,一位德高望重的牧师之出殡仪仗,经由那条院门通道转往村中墓地的日子,距今已有十二个月了。

    It was now a twelve month since the funeral procession of the venerable clergyman , its last inhabitant , had turned from that gate way towards the village burying-ground .

  21. “因天晚不得进城,就在净室胡乱歇了一夜。次日早,便进城来料理出殡之事”

    " Since it was too late to return to town , however , he put up that night in the guest room , starting back first thing in the morning to arrange for the funeral procession . "

  22. 我告诉了希刺克厉夫先生,他答道:‘好吧,由她去,到出殡后再说;常常去看看她需要什么给她拿去;等她见好些就告诉我。’

    I informed Mr Heathcliff , and he replied : ` " Well , let her be till after the funeral ; and go up now and then to get her what is needful ; and , as soon as she seems better , tell me . "