
  • 网络PRIMARY system
  1. 然后针对湖南大学配电网的现状,提出配电自动化规划与一次系统规划同步进行,为今后系统的发展创造一个良好的平台。

    Aiming to the current situation of distribution network of Hunan University , the idea that plan of distribution system goes with primary system in step is put forward , that can create a good platform for development of system in the future .

  2. 为了能使二次系统真实设备正常运行,要求一次系统数字仿真部分提供的电压互感器(VT)二次侧电压信号和电流互感器(CT)二次侧电流信号具有实时性。

    The signals of VT voltage and CT current provided by the real time digital simulation of the primary system must real-time in order to ensure real equipments of the secondary system to be normal operation .

  3. 本文利用专门研制的行波传感器来提取行波信号,避免了高速数据采集和改变一次系统接线的情况。采用基于GPS高精度时钟同步的输电网故障定位的方法。

    A traveling wave sensor is designed , a fault location with traveling wave for network system based GPS is developed in the paper .

  4. 本文是对移动游戏开发应用SCRUM过程的一次系统的分析,深入地探索和总结。

    This thesis is a mobile game application development SCRUM processes a systematic analysis , in-depth exploration and summary .

  5. 本文将对VHS型录像机磁记录系统的信噪比做一次系统的研究。

    This paper makes a systemic research of the SN ratio of the magnetic recording system of VHS mode .

  6. 使用dmesg命令可以快速查看最后一次系统引导的引导日志。

    To get a quick view of the boot log for the last system boot , use the command dmesg .

  7. 如果在下一次系统重新引导之前运行bosboot命令,那么修改在以后的重新引导时仍然有效。

    It persists across subsequent reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next system reboot .

  8. 结论表明:当二者中性点断开时,保护装置的测量结果不能正确反映一次系统的运行状态,PT断线判据可能误动;

    The conclusions show that measurements of relay protection could not reflect operation states of primary system and criterion of PT secondary broken connection may result in false operation when the connection between neutral points of PT and voltage transducers is broken .

  9. 同时由于全体ALFA成员都旨在实施一次系统的全天勘查,结果就是更快、更均匀的覆盖天空。

    When combined with the fact that all ALFA members are interesting in conducting a systematic sky survey , the result is far faster and more even coverage of the heavens .

  10. 对成套电器产品的结构设计,在一次系统图的基础上,利用AutoCAD的VBA和数据库开发功能,自动计算配电箱的外型尺寸,并把计算的结果用于材料成本核算。

    In the structure design of the switchgear assemblies , on the basis of system drawing , make use of the exploitation function of AutoCAD ' VBA , get the result of outline dimension of distribution cabinets , and use it to compute the cost .

  11. 牵引变电所内一次系统与二次系统的电磁兼容

    Electromagnetic interference on primary and secondary system of traction substation

  12. 西北&华中联网背靠背直流工程一次系统设计

    HVDC System Design of BTB Project Between Northwest China and Central China

  13. 一次系统性暴雨过程的多普靳雷达资料分析

    The analysis of Doppler Radar Data in a Systemic Rainstorm

  14. 目前,电网正经历快速发展,电力一次系统和二次系统之间联系更加紧密。

    Currently , the power system is experiencing rapid development .

  15. 消弧线圈接入后一次系统不平衡加剧原因分析

    Analysis of reason for the aggravation of primary system after arc-suppression coil connected

  16. 接下来,笔者对刑事学科群(要素论)及其结构的问题进行了一次系统的全局性梳理。

    Another problem comes , that is the infrastructure of the whole criminal related disciplines .

  17. 本文是对反垄断法适用除外制度的一次系统论述。

    The thesis makes a systematic study of the system of exemption from the Anti-monopoly law .

  18. 本文是对我国基金投资行为及其股价效应的一次系统性研究。

    In this dissertation , I studied fund investment behavior and its stock price effects systematically .

  19. 本文是对现代人力资源培训及教学中所涉及的建构主义理论的一次系统性的总结。

    This paper makes systematic summarization for constructivism theory involved in contemporary HR training and teaching .

  20. 通常,每个构建都要进行一次系统测试,除非集成测试计划另有规定。

    Generally , each build undergoes a system test unless otherwise stipulated in the integration test plan .

  21. 该文是以隐喻性认知理论为视角对翻译思维过程进行的一次系统性探索。

    This is a systematic study of mental process in translation from the perspective of cognitive metaphor .

  22. 这并不是因为她认为学生贷款即将引爆一次系统性金融危机。

    This is not because she thinks that student debt is about to detonate a systemic financial crisis .

  23. 近期的一次系统重新导入加强了对此系统功能的理解。

    A recent reimplementation of this system has strengthened understanding within the business of the functionality of this system .

  24. 罗斯福新政是为了挽救垂危的资本主义,在资本主义体系内进行的一次系统的、激进的改革。

    New Deal was a systematic , radical reform within the capitalist system in order to rescue dying capitalism .

  25. 为实现无人值班,应做好一次系统设计和设备选型工作。

    In order to realize the object , designing electrical system and selecting equipment should be done well firstly .

  26. 电气一次系统现今已经采用智能化设备,电气二次系统作为反映和控制一次系统的重要中枢,有着极其重要的作用。

    First system has been adopted intelligent devices , as response and control system , has a vital role .

  27. 首先,文章将对影视节庆活动基础理论和整合营销传播理论做一次系统地梳理。

    Firstly , did some systematic and orderly arrangement about the film festival and the Integrated Marketing Communication Theory .

  28. 该方法仅需进行一次系统矩阵的分解就可获得高精度的多个复振型导数。

    Finally , many complex mode shape derivatives of high accuracy can be obtained by decomposing system matrices only once .

  29. 变电站二次系统对于保障一次系统的安全、稳定和经济运行发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Substation secondary systems play an important role in ensuring the security , stable and economic operation on primary systems .

  30. 绿色:距离最后一次系统扫描小于或等于一个星期并且没有侦测到病毒。

    Green : the last system scan is younger or equal than one week and no malware has been found .