
  1. 上到第三层一共有多少磴楼梯?

    How many stairs are there up to the second floor ?

  2. 我就想知道吉姆·马丁一共有多少件T恤衫。我猜他有3件。

    All I want to know is how many T-shirts Jim Martin has got . I make it three

  3. 估算一下你一共有多少钱,看是否已经足够了。

    Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough .

  4. 可见对于合并我需要迭代8次,一般情况下是N,这取决于具体问题,那么在这棵树中一共有多少层呢?

    So if on each iteration of merging I 'm doing eight things or more generally , N.That then begs the question , how many levels of this tree are there actually ?

  5. 您一共有多少客人?

    How many guests will there be in your party ?

  6. 英语里一共有多少单词?

    How many words are there in the English language ?

  7. 问一共有多少只吸血动物在吸我的血?

    How many bloodthirsty bloodsuckers were dining on my head ?

  8. 从南边到西边,一共有多少天?

    From south to west , how many to count ?

  9. 您不能告诉我这船上一共有多少人吗?

    Can 't you tell me how many men are on board ?

  10. 故宫一共有多少间房子呀?

    How many rooms does the Imperial Palace have ?

  11. 对了,您一共有多少只驯鹿呢?

    By the way , may I ask how many reindeer you have ?

  12. 我们一共有多少个信封?

    A : How many envelopes have we got ?

  13. 一共有多少人来呢?

    How many people are there going to be ?

  14. 你说一共有多少只天鹅?乔治问道。

    ' How many swans did you say there were ? 'George asked .

  15. 一共有多少份供状?

    Tell me , then , how many confessions ?

  16. 这艘客轮与一油轮相撞。1.一共有多少轮?

    The liner came into collision with an oil-tanker 1 . How many rounds ?

  17. 你们一共有多少人

    How many people are you working with ?

  18. 一共有多少警察牵扯进来了?

    How many cops are involved in this ?

  19. 所以一共有多少个模式?

    So how many different modes are there ?

  20. 假如有天气设定,描述这个世界里一共有多少种天气状况。

    Describe what sort of weather will be found in the world , if any .

  21. 你一共有多少顶帽子?

    How Many Hats Are You Wearing ?

  22. 你一共有多少课?

    How many classes are you taking ?

  23. 一共有多少绿苹果?

    How many green apples are there ?

  24. 问我家一共有多少个孩子?

    How many children in my family ?

  25. 船上一共有多少人?

    How many people on board ?

  26. 就是说政府想知道一共有多少人住在这个国家。

    That means that the government wanted to find out how many people lived in the country .

  27. 你可以找到一共有多少脂肪,碳水化合物或蛋白质在食物里。

    You can also find out how much fat , carbohydrate , or protein is in foods .

  28. 这几年我买的书太多了,弄不清楚一共有多少本。

    I have bought so many new books these years that I 've lost count of them .

  29. 如果现在不确定一共有多少个节点,可以稍后再来修改。

    If you 're not sure now how many nodes you 'll have , you can modify this at a later stage .

  30. 我的兄弟姐妹一样多,但是我的每个兄弟的姐妹数是兄弟数的两倍。问我家一共有多少个孩子?

    I have as many brothers as sisters , but each of my brothers has twice the number of sisters as brothers .