
  • 网络one seed;Seed
  1. 他们也真只给了她一粒种子。

    They gave only one seed to her .

  2. 有些果实有一粒种子,有些有两粒、三粒或四粒,有些有很多种子。

    Some fruits have one seed , some have two , three or four , and the others have many seeds .

  3. 一粒种子播下,在冰冻的大地上发了芽。

    Sow a seed and the earth in freezing the bud .

  4. 请播下一粒种子,收割一片金秋吧!

    So , plant a seed to yield a Golden Autumn !

  5. 中国小麦的收成,一粒种子能收获一百二十倍的麦子。

    Chinese wheat yields a hundred fold of the seed .

  6. 一粒种子可以改变世界,足以说明种子的重要性。

    A seed can change the world , enough shows seminal value .

  7. 她从没见到过这么晶莹剔透的一粒种子。

    She had never met so fine a grain .

  8. 在每个人的心中都有一粒种子。

    There 's a seed in everyone 's heart .

  9. 我们不会留给你一粒种子。

    We won 't leave you but a seed .

  10. 你只需播下一粒种子,自信就会随着你的进步而成长壮大。

    Your faith in yourself will grow with you as you move forward .

  11. 生命科技公司是一粒种子,在其萌发中表现了蓬勃的生命力。

    Hust – Life , like a seed , demonstrates its vigor during growth .

  12. 种一粒种子,看着它生长,然后尽量以英语留言告诉我们有关你的小盆栽!

    Plant a seed and watch it grow , then tell us about it !

  13. 一粒种子的力量的大。

    Shows how powerful a seed can be .

  14. 这个作物是由一粒种子长成的。

    The plant springs from a seed .

  15. 请您取走一粒种子好了。

    Please take one of the seeds .

  16. 不一定每一粒种子都能结果实。

    Not all seed produces a harvest .

  17. 你撒下一粒种子,给它施肥浇水。

    You put a seed in the prepared ground , watered it , and waited .

  18. 友谊就像播下一粒种子。

    Friendship is like planting a seed .

  19. 一粒种子所可以显现出来的力,简直是超越一切,这儿又是一个故事。

    The force displayed by a seed is simply incomparable . Here goes another story :

  20. 埋藏一粒种子。

    Imbed a seed in it .

  21. 种子大多数多胚,一粒种子出1-3棵苗,稀出4棵苗。

    One seed has more embryos , and it can germinate 1-3 seedlings , or 4 seedlings .

  22. 我们就把它当一粒种子对待,给它一粒种子所需要的水分和养料。

    We treat it as a seed , giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed .

  23. 正如一粒种子,一种物质的力量和它起源的记忆是相结合的。

    As with a seed , the potency of an earthly location is wedded to the memory of its origin .

  24. 当初玫瑰只是林中仙女的尚无生命的一粒种子。一天,花神克罗斯偶然在森林的一块空地上了它。

    It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods .

  25. 果核外附一层含胶质的细胞,内含一粒种子。

    There is a layer of gelatinous cells from the carcar p on the drupe and one seed in the drupe .

  26. 其中一粒种子随风回到了北京,飘落在农夫的花园里

    One of the seeds had been carried by the wind back to Beijing – landing in the garden of the farmer

  27. 梦想如同一粒种子,你必须去浇灌它,照料它,尽管它现在还很缈小。

    Dream is like a seed in your heart , you have to nurture it , and take care of it .

  28. 一粒种子吸收一点土壤、碳、阳光和水份就变成一朵玫瑰;

    A seed soaks up some soil and some carbon and some sunshine and some water and arranges it into a rose .

  29. 色标传感器对种子位置进行实时跟踪,自动获得运动中每一粒种子的位置信息。

    Color code sensors were adopted to trace positions of seeds and automatically acquire the position data of each seed in a rapidly moving state .

  30. 它是一粒种子,珍惜了,就会在你的心里萌芽,抽叶,开花,直至结果。

    It is a seed that will bud , grow leaves , blossom and even bear fruits in your heart once you care about it .