
  • 网络To the North;All The Way North
  1. 驶过金门大桥后,GPS就引导我们顺着101高速公路,沿着荒凉的太平洋海岸一路向北,驶过参天的红杉林,来到俄勒冈州威拉米特河谷那规划得整整齐齐的葡萄园。

    After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .

  2. 我们一路向北行,天气也愈来愈冷。

    The weather got colder and colder as we journeyed north .

  3. 食蚁兽、豪猪、负鼠、犰狳则一路向北。

    Anteaters , porcupines , opossums and armadillos moved north .

  4. 歌曲《一路向北》也同样被提名并将与罗大佑进行角逐。

    The song , drifting , was also nominated and will compete with Luo Da you .

  5. 我看见两辆车一路向北开进了我正在前往的那个十字路口,我宽慰地松了口气。

    I saw two cars going north pass the intersection I was heading for , and I exhaled in relief .

  6. 随着大火从墨西哥边境经洛杉矶一路向北席卷到了圣芭芭拉市.加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格周日晚间宣布全州七个县进入紧急状态。

    With fires raging from the Mexico border through Los Angeles and northward to Santa Barbara , California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in seven counties Sunday night .

  7. 专家称,这位小企鹅在旅途中可能长时间站在浮冰上一路向北,最后才进入水中游到岸上的。

    Experts said it may also have rested on an ice floe during its travels and was carried north for a great distance before it made a swim for dry land .

  8. 英国小说家菲力普•普曼的《暗物质三部曲》的第一部。故事发生在与我们的宇宙平行的另一个世界中,讲述了莱拉•贝拉克一路向北,寻找她失踪的朋友和被囚禁的叔叔的故事。

    To our own and tells of Lyra Belacqua 's journey north in search of her missing friend and her imprisoned uncle .