
yī bān ɡuó jì fǎ
  • general international law
  1. 市场准入是通过条约所协商产生的义务,而不是依据一般国际法所产生的义务。

    The duty on market access is created by international agreement , not by general international law .

  2. 确认本议定书未规定的事项仍应按照一般国际法的规则和原则处理。

    AFFIRMING that matters not regulated by this Protocol continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law .

  3. 在一般国际法理论与实践中,国内法本身可以单独构成国际争端解决程序的诉因。

    Both in theory and in practice of international law , domestic law itself may be separately challenged in international dispute settlement processes .

  4. 欧共体法是国际法律秩序中一种新型的法律体系,从而欧共体法与成员国法的关系不同于一般国际法与国内法的关系。

    The EEC law is a new legal system in the international legal orders , and the relationship between the EEC law and the law of its members is different from that between the international law and domestic law .

  5. 外交保护是指允许一国按照一般国际法对另一国违反国际法使其国民遭受损害的行为要求赔偿的权利。外交保护的行使应符合一定的条件并采取适当的方式。

    Diplomatic protection involves the claiming right of one country to another while the national 's rights were infringed upon by another for violating international law in accordance with general international law , the implementation of which shall meet certain conditions and take some appropriate measures .

  6. 目的解释不仅在一般的国际法实践中有重要作用,在解决世贸争端中也是十分重要的。

    Objective to explain not only in the general practice of international law has an important role in solving the dispute , is also very important .

  7. 善意原则既是法律的一般原则也是国际法的一般原则,规范着WTO协议及其他相关协议。

    The Principle of Good Faith is a general principle of law and that of international law . It regulates the WTO agreements and other related agreements .

  8. 一般认为,国际法制度是建立在条约必须信守这一基本原则基础之上的。

    It is generally recognized that the international legal system is grounded on a fundamental principle : pacta sunt servanda & treaties must be obeyed .

  9. 一般法律原则作为国际法的渊源,在具体内容和适用上颇有异议,但在最新的国际立法和司法实践中其内涵已经逐渐明确。

    As to the general principles of law being the source of International Law , there are some different opinions about their concrete meanings and the application .

  10. 它是一部特殊的国际组织法,在法律性质、法律渊源、法律内容、法律程序等方面既有别于一般国家的教育法,也不同于一般的国际法。

    It is a special international organization law and different both from the general educational law of a country and a common international law in such aspects as the nature , origin , content , procedure of law .